How much do you earn in instagram? How to earn a million in instagram?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Useful advice / Smartphones
29 Mar 2017.

In this article we will tell about how much Instagram is earned in the social network, as well as how to earn a million.

Since the creation of Instagram at the end of 2010, it was extremely rapidly increased to one of the most popular social platforms in the world, especially for girls and adolescents. In the application for exchanging photos, more than 400 million active users are now involved, and the leading stars of social networks, known as influential persons Instagram or "Instagrammers", They scored a huge number of subscribers, consistently publishing photos of their achievements and interesting moments from their lives. At the same time, almost all stars of show business interact with their audience.

Since celebrities attract the attention of millions of people and develop relations with thousands or even millions of users, today's top specialists and "Instagrammers" They are in a unique position to cooperate with brands and make a living, making what they get better to create and share incredible content with their interested audience, through social network channels. However, exactly how these social network stars can influence sponsorship and cooperation in the field of marketing may surprise you.

How much can earn in Instagram celebrities?

Famous faces Instagram are able to earn a lot of money, especially if they have huge audience coverage and user interaction that brands are looking for. Popular blogger Daniel Bernstein, Channel Crane Instagram «WEWOREWHAT ", He says she gets to popularize a certain brand from 5,000 to 15,000 dollars. Thus, its multi-million-dollar audience, which today has more than 1.4 million subscribers, receives content and advertising brand, as well as interesting pictures and photos.


Stars of social networks with even greater audiences, earn even more for displaying and promoting certain brands in their posts Instagram. Aimee Song, whose channel Instagram Songofstyle has more than 3.2 million subscribers, gets more than 50,000 dollars for cooperation with large brands, and products that it popularizes in the subsequent cooperation, quite quickly bother, and literally go literally as " Hot cakes. "

Determine how much money can be obtained for advertising a brand in your profile - it is impossible. But Yahoo Tech appreciated the cost of the sponsored message within 700-900 dollars for "instagrammers" with more than 100,000 subscribers, 2000-3000 dollars for "instagrammers" at least with an audience of more than 500,000 subscribers, and more than $ 50,000 for cooperation With large brands for "instagrammers" with a multimillion audience.

So, just below we give some "instagrammers" that earn thousand or tens of thousands of dollars for the post sponsored by the brand:

Instagram. - This is not the only platform for social networks, where influential people can earn thousand dollars for the publication of corporate content. On Youtube, many popular channels that are engaged in blogger have already become millionaires due to advertising income, as well as promoting brands and participating in marketing companies.

How best instagram celebrities make money?

Successful "Instagrammers" can earn thousands of dollars a day, cooperating with brands to create and distribute, as well as advertise sponsored content - by one assessment, sponsorship brands and marketing cooperation with famous persons affecting Instagram make up more than 1 billion dollars of advertising expenses in year.

Although the amount that every influence Instagram is making for the message is often depends on coverage, determining whether the brand will respond to the audience, because it is an important factor that companies must take into account when building an effective strategy of influence and choosing a partner affecting social media -Seti.

How to earn a million in Instagram?

Surely many Instagram users remember how this social network was developed, because positioning in this case was, as an application for using photographs.

Nevertheless, Instagram produced a huge Furior in modern society, and took an honorable place in the world, which encourages vanity, social networks and the transition to visual media. As you know, Mark Zuckerberg decided to pay a billion dollars to acquire Instagram, and therefore this social network is waiting for huge prospects for growth and development, which rapidly increase every day.

Today Instagram takes the 7th place in the list of 15 of the most popular social networks with more than 100 million unique users per month and more than 300 million active users, daily publish photos and videos.

In addition, instagram is a marketing tool for many, including celebrities, politicians, marketers and even some first-class enterprises.

Do not forget that Instagram plans to release until the end of this year: Target advertisements that will be displayed on users of users.

So, if you want to earn a million at your Instagram account, here are 9 ways that will allow you to do this.

Start building a subscriber empire

Successful marketing in social networks is almost directly proportional to the presence of a multi-million dollar audience. Always remember that you just need to gain a significant number of subscribers! Know that the more subscribers you have, the more you will have advertisers, and therefore your chances of achieving a million will increase at times.

There are several ways to get a lot of subscribers to Instagram. Some of them are the most efficient ways, we have allocated below:

  • Keep a solid connection with the audience, interact with it.
  • Answer in the comments, share your stories and support your subscribers.
  • Try to meet the subscribers of reciprocity, even if the subscriber responds to you unflattering and brangly.
  • Also do not forget to follow popular hashtags and publish photos with popular hashtags. Be sure to fit into the publication from 2 to 4 photos per day to the Instagram page.

Always specify a link to your blog.

Links to products and links to your blog are crucial when it comes to making money on Instagram!


Each image, video or something else that you share should include CTA (in this case, links to your blog or where they could purchase this subject). Also make sure that you put a link to the goods, and to facilitate purchases and reduce links, you need to use the following sites:

  • Bit.LY. - American site to reduce links.
  • - Russian-speaking site to reduce links from Google.
  • - Russian-speaking site to reduce links from social network VKontakte.

At present, Instagram does not allow to use links to sites, so they are required in any case with the help of the above services.

Share only quality content and photos

Despite the new features, Instagram has always been the best in the plan for sharing beautiful photos. Nothing seduce your potential customers or leads to the monetization your account more than high-quality beautiful photos.

Show your subscribers that your brand is the quality and impersonation of success. Show your products, tell them the story of your brand, create graphic changed images and show a creative approach, and also do not forget about the use of infographics, which is also popular and pretty convertible.

For example, if you are engaged in the gym, you can boast photos from workout, or the moment of performing any exercise. If you sell yogurt, share images of your product and, possibly, in other ways that you could use in yogurt recipes. Be sure to share photos of your newest products. For example, if you plan to write a book, then be sure to make a cool cover of the cover and share it with the release date.

Share the video and 15-second timelapsies

Thanks to the latest Instagram function (and competition with the leading opponent, Vine) there is a 15-second video sharing option in which you show a creative approach.

Come up with a personal message for your fans and tell them why you think they should try your new product. Or perhaps you could share 15-second videos in which you demonstrate the work of your product.

Remember that there is no limit to how high quality and creative you can get a video using the use of a video editing! Check out the leading brands Instagram and Vine to share your impressions about the video.

Constantly attract your fans and create intrigues


Many fans and subscribers are ready to approve your brand, but only if you have an honest game with them, and do not deceive them. Therefore, when choosing a advertiser, you need to learn about the advertised product anyway, as well as how really it is necessary to your audience.

Give subscribers the opportunity to send your photos with your product, share your experience in video or anywhere. Make a discount or organize gifts and awards to the best users who have made a great video of your product.

Organize contests and events

Cut the photo contests, video contests on the topic of your product or revocation of it. So you will win a great confidence in subscribers, and they will follow you even more confident. Suggest exclusive offers, turn on the creative approach, since users are very valued.


Do not forget about the use of special promotional code or coupons, as this is another way to attract your subscribers to participate in the competition and turn them into sales. Ask them twice to touch or mark a friend to get a certain encouragement, for example 15% discount.

Following the above-mentioned advice and our recommendations, you will undoubtedly achieve success in Instagram and earn a million.

Video: Case: How to earn a million dollars in instagram?

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