How much do you pay for a million subscribers in Instagram? How to dial a million subscribers in instagram?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Useful advice / Smartphones
28 Mar 2017.

In this article we will tell about how much you can earn in the social network Instagram, as well as how to gain popularity and subscribers to your Instagram profile.

Surely you know, or heard the stories of Instagram users who earn in their photos, by monetizing and partnerships with other brands and companies. It is worth noting that you can monetize your publications, unless of course you have a sufficient number of subscribers. Well, if there are no subscribers yet, then there is no need to upset, because today we will tell you how to gain popularity and subscribers to your profile.

A huge number of bloggers, Yutubers, and anyone who collected the audience around their content, in any case already monetizes their Instagram users. If you have a multi-million-dollar audience, then this is a factor of fame and influence, and therefore the opportunity to earn on it. I would like to notice that nothing is so appreciated in Instagram as influence and money.


Therefore, together these two things make it possible for the creators of Instagram to study several potential profits, whether they want it or not. But still this is a huge perspective for Instagram's growth, which will allow to build a whole empire, and the creators at times to increase profits.

How many subscribers are necessary to earn in Instagram?

If you are interested in how many subscribers are necessary in order to make money in Instagram, we would like to immediately surprise you in the fact that these are not the figures that you think or suspect. Many people think that you can earn only with 100,000 subscribers, but it is not true.

Earnings on the Instagram page depends on the following factors:

  • Which niche you take, and how easy you can directly bind an account to the product category (fashion, food, beauty and fitness are the most popular niches, which are based on the popularity of hashtegi).
  • How active your subscribers are, and how often they are visited by Instagram (100,000 of the scaved subscribers will not give you no profit, and there is no sentee from such subscribers).
  • What income channels you use, and how wide they are applied.

Naturally, the more subscribers on your Instagram profile, the better.

How to make money on the page in Instagram?

Depending on your unique brand and content on the Instagram page, your audience, and your level of commitment, you can earn on Instagram in the following ways:

  • Publish advertising posts for brands that want to get part of your audience attention.
  • Become a partner and earn commissions, selling products from other manufacturers, brands and companies.
  • Create and sell physical or digital product, or offer a paid service. Do not forget about the method of earnings on coaching, webinars and holding master classes.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bunique photos, or earn on selling your own photos.
  • If you are a girl with a fairly attractive appearance, then the earnings here is to create another flow of income, while not excluding the above.

So let's start with the most general approach to the Instagram monetization: cooperation with brands as an impact factor.

Work with brands for advertising posts


It is worth noting that the term "Influence" Plays a huge role in the Instagram social network.

Leaders are mainly a person who has built a reputation on the social network by daily publications of their photos and interesting life moments. For the audience, and for subscribers it is very important how much they respect their tastes to fashion or food. Therefore, it is very important to be considered with them, and if you do it, will undoubtedly come to success.

Many brands cannot compete in this situation, and therefore they constitute partnership with influential Instagram individuals instead of making advertising posts that will give manufacturers to understand how much their products are needed.

But still, most brands offer to advertise not quite good and effective goods, for example, it concerns the dietary supplement of products that the manufacturer has more than once again. You, in turn, should not conclude a partnership with such a sponsor, since the publications of this kind will greatly undermine the trust and the attitude of your subscribers to you.

Therefore, if you want to be conscientious and remain the Creator for your subscribers, then you need to carefully select what you advertise on your page, as well as what exactly offers one or another brand. If you will publish what I got, the audience will lose interest in you, and this will extremely negatively affect your earnings.

How to enter into partnership with companies and brands?

As a rule, entering into partnerships with other partners is to attract the audience and create content on its Instagram page. For example, it may be a regular post or video publication, but at the same time permission to publish a brand or any brand should be supported by permission from the manufacturer of this brand and brand.

Keep in mind that when entering into partnership you will need to tell the customer of advertising about how big the audience has your Instagram profile, as well as what is the average coverage of advertising post.

A survey was conducted, in which 5,000 influential persons at the Instagram social network participated, about 42% were told that for one advertising post they charge from $ 200 to $ 400. We have not led the numbers just like that, but in order to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much you can earn posted one advertising post on your page. Now you probably realized that some brands are ready to pay considerable money for advertising their products.

How to find brands for entering partnership?

If you have a fairly large audience in Instagram, then you have a huge amount of opportunity, and choosing a particular partnership conclusion.

It is worth notingYou can also look for brands as partnerships that are at the same level from the point of view of your personality and the values \u200b\u200bthat you prefer. So your audience will not feel that you "Sold".

With any customer you can contact directly to try to make a deal. But you can also establish yourself on one of the promotional sites, or find your advertiser and sponsor.

Note that the rules change when it comes to the content of sponsorship content. But if you love and respect your audience, and want to keep the confidence of your audience to you, then you can add to the sponsorship # HashtegThereby marking advertising post.

If you do not know how to place an advertising post, then you can find a lot of examples in profiles of stars of show business and other Instagram celebrities.

Become Affilate-Partner

Unlike the usual sponsorship or partnership with the company, Affilate partnership is much better.

  • Firstly You choose what to advertise which product to choose, and how to present it to your audience.
  • Secondly, Earnings on the affilate partnership much more than earnings on the usual partnership with the company, as it depends on you here, and on how efficiently you are promoting your advertised product.

It is worth notingthat the advertising of the goods should occur on your referral link or on a unique promotion, otherwise you will not receive commissions from sales.

Since Instagram does not allow you to use links in each publication, then you need to choose one product and promote it. It is very important to specify a reference to the product in the description of your profile "About myself".

You can also contact one of many online stores that offer affiliate programs in which you can participate, or you can visit popular online stores as:

  • ClickBank. - Affiliate platform, which has more than 100 products. ClickBank is open to all Internet users, so you can take part in it.
  • Rewardstyle - Affiliate platform, which has more than 250 products on topics: Fashion and lifestyle. For each goods sold, the partner platform offers 20% commission from the cost of goods.
  • Affiliate program OT. Amazon.: The most popular platform that pays 10% commission from the cost of goods.

Do not forget that Affiliate Marketing is also an art, and you will have more chances of success if you already have a plan to promote one or another network.

Tip!: Partner links can be reduced using the most convenient service to reduce: bit.LY.

Well, today we looked at how to gain a million subscribers in Instagram, as well as how to make money in instagram.

Video: How to make money in instagram?


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