How many bits in the pate, kilobat, megabate, gigabay, terabayte? What is more kilobyte or megabyte, or gigabyte, or terabyte? Table of translation bytes in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes

Published by B. Mobile Internet / Useful advice
30 Apr 2017.

From this article you will learn how many bits in one byte, kilobate, megabay, Gigabay, Terabay.

If you dealt with a carrier of information, then probably heard about bits, bytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes. But not all people know how these units are connected with each other. It is known to professionals in the field of IT technologies and simply advanced people who are familiar with digital information.

How many bits in the fly, kilobaite, megabay, gigabay, terabayte?

How many bits in the fly, kilobaite, megabay, gigabay, terabayte?

How many bits in the fly, kilobaite, megabay, gigabay, terabayte?

We are accustomed to calculating the values \u200b\u200bof decimal calculus systems, and if there is a "kilo" prefix, then you need to multiply a thousand. But when measuring digital information, there is another calculus system.

So, how many bits in the fly, kilobat, megabay, gigabay, terabayte? But first it should be understood that it is a bit or byte and other units of measurement.

What is a bit, and how much it is in the fly, kilobaite, megabay, gigabay, terabayte?

What is a bit, and how much it is in the fly, kilobaite, megabay, gigabay, terabayte?

Often, users are asked: what more: kilobyte or megabyte, or gigabyte, or terabyte?
From the above information, it can be seen that the largest amount of memory is calculated in terabytes, and the smallest in the bits.

Table of translating bytes in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes are most convenient for perception.

Table: How many bits in the fly, kilobate, megabay, gigabay, terabayte?

Table: How many bits in the fly, kilobate, megabay, gigabay, terabayte?

Now you know that megabyte is more kilobytes, but less than a gigabyte. The largest unit of measure is terabyte.
Currently, IT specialists are also known to other units of measure such as Petabyte, Exabyte, Zettabyte and Yottabyte. But the most popular for measuring memory is the bits, bytes, kilo-, mega-, giga- and terabytes.

How many information bit information contains 1, 2 megabytes, gigabytes?

How many information bit information contains 1, 2 megabytes, gigabytes?

How many information bit information contains 1, 2 megabytes, gigabytes?

If there is a table of translating large units to smaller, then simply calculate what will be equal to, for example, 2 megabytes or gigabytes. Accurate converting result:

  • 1 MB \u003d. 8388608 bits
  • 1 GB \u003d. 8589934592 Bitam
  • 2 MB \u003d. 16777216 bits
  • 2 GB \u003d. 17179869184 Bitam

Another common question among users of the global network: What is more megabyte or gigabyte for the Internet? More precisely, the gigabyte is used to measure the number of information on the Internet. To understand what is more, you need to contact the numbers. Gigabyte more than megabyte and is 1024 MB.

How many information bit information contains 1, 2 megabytes?

How many information bit information contains 1, 2 megabytes?

If you can not understand which unit is larger, and how less, remember meters and centimeters. In one meter, 100 cm, as well as in gigabytes a certain number of megabytes, but not a hundred, but much more.

Video: 08 Bit byte Number System

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