"Blue Kit": VKontakte Group - fatal game

Published by B. Useful advice
27 Feb 2019.

The article will tell about the so-called group of death in VKontakte "Blue Kit".

"Blue Kit": VKontakte Group - fatal game

Recently, the so-called suicidal group in the social network has done a large noise. In contact with" entitled " Blue whale" It is also called a group of death of VC, or a game that bears death, etc.

This group was very strongly concerned with the parents of young users, because on numerous rumors, she forces adolescents to end the life of suicide. This happens as follows: the young user begins to perform the tasks, which are totaling 50 pieces, and at the very end he must die.

What is a blue whale game?

What is the game "Blue Kit"?

Teenagers play in " Blue whale"From ordinary curiosity, but when the mentioned tasks passes are strongly drawn into the game and cannot stop. Of course, parents should be concerned about this, since according to official information in Russia, up to 100 adolescents, who decided to go through all 50 tasks as part of the game " Blue whale" Some experts say this figure can grow strongly.

If you turn to statistics again, you can see that in Russia, indeed, a high level of suicide among adolescents. And the mentioned group in VK " Blue whale"Only attracts children from different parts of the country, since this topic is already unwound in the media.

Next, children are registered in the group and start with enthusiasm to get acquainted with the tasks that the ill-fated game offers. It happens that children themselves do not suspect where they fell. Just the theme of death is quite curious to teenagers, she attracts them. And when the young user begins to go to the tasks, he is greatly drawn up, and it is said, it is not already taught for the ears.

What to do in such a situation? How do parents protect their children from the fatal game carrying death? Let us discuss this in our review.

What is a blue whale game?

What is the game "Blue Kit"?

"Blue Kit" - a game leading to death: a memo for parents

As noted above, the game " Blue whale"Another known called" Quiet house" (or " House of blue whales"), as well as " Wake me at 4:20», « Sea whale" etc. All these names refer to the same suicidal game. Perhaps the names may change or be similar to the names of other completely harmless groups " In contact with" (eg, " Quiet house»).

Parents should be aware that in our current society, children from twelve to seventeen years are in the risk area. Moreover, no threat is not felt. For example, in some cases, when adolescents committed suicide, their parents did not even suspect that there is at least the slightest reason for this.

Parents need to be well aware that the reason for suicide lies deep in the psyche of the teenager. He himself may not be aware of this, and even more so on the part it will not be visible to the surrounding people. Often, only a professional psychologist can notice that something is wrong with the child there is something wrong.

What is a blue whale game?

What is the game "Blue Kit"?

The game "Blue Kit" attracts almost all adolescents, especially with an unstable psyche. Tasks in this game they seem interesting, exciting and "funny". Usually teenagers, being in a group VK " Blue whale»From personal curiosity, they themselves write phrases of the species" i want to go to the game», « quiet house" etc. Such phrases are sent in the form of hashtegov (phrases, at the beginning of which the symbol is set. #"), eg, " # Tichide" These hashtags are visible to everyone within the social network.

Thanks to such reports, the so-called group curators come out for adolescents, which are children along the way to suicide. First, adolescents are given tasks, the first of which are already starting to attract other children to the game.

Tasks may be as follows. For example, at the beginning of the game you need to cut the blade on any part of the body, as a rule, hand or leg image of China. It is possible in the same places and lipstick to draw the word " Yes" The tasks are quite different and probably depend on the fantasy of the curators. But, in any case, such tasks are designed to be interested in a teenager, call him any attractive attention to the act. This is what lacks children suffering from lack of attention or just popularity.

What is a blue whale game?

What is the game "Blue Kit"?

The latter circumstance stems from the media. On television, we can observe a lot of popular show, where completely ordinary people suddenly become popular stars. On the Internet, many adolescents as part of their blog on " YouTube"Lay out various videos, thanks to which millions and subscribers are gaining. All this brings fame, fame, universal attention, what almost every modern child dreams of.

To demonstrate its heronts in public - this is a new fashion of our time, for which children are ready to go even on suicide. There is a known case where young people did not shoot online video for their spectators on the Internet, in the process of which they shot out the window on the police until they were killed. Parents need to know that thirst for popularity can lead a child to reckless actions, including suicide.

What is a blue whale game?

What is the game "Blue Kit"?

You can, of course, scold the state for not taking sufficient educational work with children, but it is also important to engage in education yourself. It is wrong to think that in the modern world with a teenager, nothing terrible may occur, because the statistics of children's suicides and in general the level of child crimes speak absolutely about the opposite. Sometimes it is better to re-educate a bit, rather than disappoint.

Parents need to be understood that very many children who have completed the life of suicide, in fact, are out of sufficiently prosperous families. According to external signs it was even difficult to say that such children can go to a reckless act. What is happening in the soul of a child remains mystery even for his parents.

In adolescence, the hormonal nature of a person changes considerably. Because of this, the composition of the blood is also changing, which leads to one or another effect on the brain. According to experts, it affects the emotional state of the teenager, it becomes unbalanced and hot-tempered. The accompanying factors of the adolescence are widely known: the child does not want to understand the parents, and parents cannot understand the child.

What is a blue whale game?

What is the game "Blue Kit"?

In this period, anything is possible. Due to mutual misunderstanding between parents and children, the increased emotionality of the child, the lack of sufficient life experience, the teenager can really stand on the verge of suicide. If parents do not know how to solve this problem, then you must definitely turn to a good psychologist.

"Blue Kit": the essence of the game

What is a blue whale game?

What is the game "Blue Kit"?

Summing up, you can note the following:

  • Game "Blue Whale" in the social network " In contact with"It implies 50 tasks that the participant (in particular, a teenager) must fulfill for the same number of days.
  • The game delays a teenager, he can't stop. The tasks in the game may be as follows: Cut on the hand of the whale blade or perform other similar actions. At the end of the game, the teenager will have to kill himself.
  • If the teenager refuses to perform the last task, i.e. from suicide, then curators of the game can threaten him with a violence of his parents, close, etc.
  • The names of the game can be different: " Quiet house», « Blue whale», « Wake me up at 4:20" etc.
  • Parents should particularly carefully pay attention to children in adolescence. It is during this period that children need understanding and recognition. In some cases, you should contact a psychologist.
What is a blue whale game?

What is the game "Blue Kit"?

Video: Death groups. Blue Whale game. How to save children?

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