Seller's Shipping Method - Tracking parcels with Aliexpress in Russian along track tracking number: Links to tracking sites

Published by B. Aliexpress
1 Nov 2016.

Many clients stores Aliexpress Interested in what kind of sending methods - Seller's Shipping Method and how to track it. Let's wonder.

Increasingly internet users and site Aliexpress they began to ask what kind of delivery method - Seller Shipping Method and how to follow such parcels. In this article we will try to reveal the question of what it is.

When making purchases on Aliexpress goods are sent worldwide through international post offices. So, on the service sellers can use the services of standard reliable companies - SF Express, Special Line and so on. But many of the sellers prefer to use such popular companies and send parcels by other services. That's where the goods are sent to Seller's Shipping Method. In fact, it is a method chosen on the discretion of the seller.

No need to scare that this is a hoax, since the parcel must come to you without any problems. To track your order with a similar status, you can use the link specified by the seller. Usually this site

Sellers Shipping Method

Sellers Shipping Method.

Perhaps the payment information will be unavailable for ten days or less and no data on it will not even on the site AliacpSress. Follow it is necessary on the site that was specified by the sender.

To track departure in Russian, then you need to open the Russian version of the site. It is available here. Go through it, enter your track number and select "Search".



If the data about your room is in the database, then you will highlight all the necessary information in Russian.

In addition, there are still good sites where you can track the parcel with Aliexpress. Here are their list with links to tracking.

Video: Seller's Shipping Method Tracking in Russian with Aliexpress

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