Parental control on iPhone, iPad: how to install, configure, disable?

Published by B. iOS.
Oct 8 2016.

If you have purchased an iPhone child or just give him a hand and want him to not see the materials that are prohibited for him, then perform the appropriate setting.

System iOS. strong is different from Android. W. nee functions have more restrictions in plan settings for use. children. But everything same to do device children's possibly, and from help standard tools. Concerning physical protection cause w. Iphone much it is better.

At all, in yours order available some software tools, allowing perform setting for child:

  • Restrictions in system
  • Guide-access
  • «My friends«, working from geolocation

List small, but but entangle complicated.

how Install restrictions?

Find you this tool in «Settings» — «Maintenance» — «Restrictions«.

IOS system restrictions

IOS system restrictions

iOS for child

iOS for child

IN very beginning you will be offered create password. Not before do his thus same as the code unlocking. After installations you will be available five sections:

Sections of IOS restrictions

Sections of IOS restrictions

  • Permissions for apps and system functions which can be tuned for active restrictions. it applications iOS., the shops iTunes. and iBooks., settings AppStore., but also Siri. and Airdrop.. Additional options not, you simply we need turn off that, what you samim not need. If a one of program will be disabled thus way, that she is hobbies from the main thing table..
Restrictions on IOS movies

Restrictions on IOS movies

Limiting access to IOS sites

Limiting access to IOS sites

Prohibition of use for the baby on iOS

Prohibition of use for the baby on iOS

Setting up IOS restrictions

Setting up IOS restrictions

  • Allowed content. Here you expect set regulations for files, stored in memory device or priest downloadableor browsing.
  • Can point his country, to more precisely determine age scale. W. each categories There are limitations, for sites installed clever filter and permitted access to limited number services.
Allowed content on iOS

Allowed content on iOS

IOS applications for children

IOS applications for children

  • Settings privacy. This function gives opportunity decide from rights access programs  to preserved in iOS. content, but also hardware opportunities gadget. TO example, for Whatsapp can ban send photos, but Instagram write down sound through microphone.
Application Changes on iOS

Application Changes on iOS

Prohibition of IOS changes for children

Prohibition of IOS changes for children

  • Section permissions amendments gives opportunity to avoid edit accounting entries, belt traffic, sets time updates content, but also limits sound. Here same can ban replace parameters in appendix «To find friends«.
  • Limitation functionality Game. Center. Moved sliders in inactive position and w. you blocked multiplayer in game and opportunity additions new friends.


Guideaccess, before total, designed for commercial use iPad. and iPhone. as interactive director, restaurant menu or simply devices for demonstrations.

His basic feature consists in tom, to block output of launched applications, not lish sometimes it happens and blocking pages on the defined zones screen. But in dann case guideaccess not will allow to kid accidentally close game or developing program, but inactive zones can cover by some elements office. TO example, in player can leave available only key «Play./pause«, but in interactive book block button output in menu.

What is iOS access?

What is iOS access?

Activation Guide-Access on iOS

Activation Guide-Access on iOS

To activate function open «Settings» — «Universal access» — «Guideaccess«. W. each of options there is detailed description, so what you in them not touch. It is better total restricted inclusion this options, but password and combination keys not include, to nothing not complicate.

Now guideaccess will be w. you active. Open anyone attachment and click three times key HOME. You opens menu settings regime.

Setting up iOS for baby

Setting up iOS for baby

Guide-Access Settings for iPhone

Guide-Access Settings for iPhone

Here can disable or leave included keys adjustments sound, shutdown, screen and accelerometer.

To determine region for lock pages, «picture» by preview applications. After end procedures click on the button «To begin« and give device kid. To disable guideaccess or open settings again three times click button «Home«.

«My friends«

This attachment is an most. valuable of all from companies Apple for each parent, because what it It makes it possible to always be aware of where your child. IN difference from similar on the Android, the child will not interfere with it, so the moral side of the question can not worn out. BUT at the same time not have to worn out, where your child.

My friends app for iPhone

My Friends app for iPhone

  • Further at every device, enter  Apple Id and log in  in section «My friends«.
  • By the way kid these data know at all not before, to is he not smog turn off show locations.
  • Open item  « Friends«, click on the «+» and put new users. This function excellent suitable for use of the whole family so as now can look where are located everything added members you families.
  • Send inquiries on the addition in friends, confirm and in Next window opens map from location all devices.
  • Also system show, when Recent data and distance in kilometers.
How to set up my friends for iPhone?

How to set up "my friends" for iPhone?


  • Sure, this is not all functional options «My friends«. Of applications you you can run study of messages and put route before places where necessary contact or activate notifications about displacements of defined places. for exampleYou will be coming alert when leaving the child's child or when arriving home.
Setting up iPhone for a child

Setting up iPhone for a child

  • Of parameters interesting is an only «Hidefrom observations«. Initially is he inactive. Probably, you should not explain why he is needed. When installing lock on the device, after initial settings password appendix request not will be. therefore in section «restrictions» be sure to install the block to make changes.

The tablet or telephone under office iOS. easily turn in excellent device for child. Spend little of time and w. kid will be personal educational games,  library sO set books, player from cartoons and lot others entertainment.

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