Checking sellers for Ali Extress for reliability: methods. An application for Aliexpress for sellers check: download

Published by B. Aliexpress
4 Nov 2016.

The article describes how to verify the reliability of sellers with " Aliexpress».

Online store " Aliexpress"It has already gained its popularity in many countries, and a fairly large number of buyers prefer to acquire goods on this portal. Here you can buy almost anything from clothes to computing technology at lower prices than in ordinary street shops.


Check sellers for Aliexpress | Aliexpress reliability. Appendix for Aliexpress | Aliexpress: Seller rating

But should always be wondering if there is guarantees that goods with " Aliexpress»Will we really qualitative and will be delivered to you by mail? Are there any risks when shopping on " Aliexpress"? Are the sellers in this online store?

The question, of course, is serious, but the answer to it is quite simple. You will learn about it in our review. We will talk how to check sellers with " Aliexpress"For reliability, the goods ordered by us answered all our requirements.

How should sellers check on "Aliexpress"?

Before you buy anything, you always need to learn more about the product itself and actually the seller. On the " Aliexpress"It is always possible to check seller ratings and reviews about goods. In feedback on the product, we learn that people who have already ordered him think about this. Here, all thoughts about the seller will also be outlined.

In addition, it should be familiar with the rating of sellers. The rating is above - the seller is reliable. And the more reliable seller, the greater the guarantees that he will not sell your cat in the bag.

It must be borne in mind that " Aliexpress"This is a whole market of goods where you can observe a huge army of a wide variety of sellers from the responsible Deltsov to the frank fraudsters. You may not send the goods at all, or to "do" marriage.

The most convenient option to check the vendors to " Aliexpress"Is the use of various applications. By installing such applications in your browser, you can see everything you need: Seller's rating, its characteristics, etc. You can even be warned if you fell on scammers.

How to check Sellers to Ali Spress: Download Alitools app, Seller Check for browser Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Yandex.Bauser

At the moment we can offer you the following solutions:

  • « Alitools.»- Application for browsers:" Opera.”, « Google Chrome.”, “Yandex browser"(Passing at this address click on" Install [Your browser]"In accordance with what browser you have from the specified).

Check sellers for Aliexpress | Aliexpress reliability. Appendix for Aliexpress | Aliexpress: Seller rating

  • « Seller Check.»- An application for the browser" Mozilla Firefox."(Passing at this address, click on" Add to Firefox.»).

Check sellers for Aliexpress | Aliexpress reliability. Appendix for Aliexpress | Aliexpress: Seller rating

  • « Seller Check.»- An application for the browser" Opera."(Passing at this address, click on" Add to Opera.»).

Check sellers for Aliexpress | Aliexpress reliability. Appendix for Aliexpress | Aliexpress: Seller rating


  • « Seller Check.»- An application for the browser" Google Chrome."(Passing at this address, click on" Set»).

Check sellers for Aliexpress | Aliexpress reliability. Appendix for Aliexpress | Aliexpress: Seller rating

  • « Seller Check.»- An application for the browser" Yandex browser"(Passing at this address, click on" Set»).

Check sellers for Aliexpress | Aliexpress reliability. Appendix for Aliexpress | Aliexpress: Seller rating

Explain the principle of application of applications on the example " Seller Check."For" Google Chrome." Thanks to this application, you will observe on " Aliexpress»Information to each product - under Buy now»Seller ratings will be indicated and so on:


Check sellers for Aliexpress | Aliexpress reliability. Appendix for Aliexpress | Aliexpress: Seller rating

In general, you will be available as follows:

  • How to find the most reliable seller on " Aliexpress»
  • Risks associated with the purchase of a particular product
  • Is it worth generally acquiring any product from this seller
  • Seller registration date on " Aliexpress»
  • How many goods sold one or another seller (for the entire period, for the year, for the month, for six months, and so on).
  • How many percent of buyers praise a seller (the number of "likes")
  • Number of negative and positive feedback on this seller
  • How fast is the delivery of goods with some seller
  • The degree of sociability of the seller (whether the buyers willingly respond to questions, whether consultation holds, etc.).
  • Is the goods so, what is it in the description and so on

Video: Seller's ranking check service service

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