Program "Training" on Apple Watch: How to use?

Published by B. iOS.
Nov 5 2016.

In this article we will talk about tracking training on Apple Watch.

When you give the body physical exercise workload, that classes will be more effective for usage «smart watch» from Apple.

FROM help this gadget you will be able to follow per different types activity, follow the distance traveled, to measure pulse and others parameters. TO aK enable mode training on the Apple Watch we and talk Further.

  • Open the application "WORKOUT" On the clock.
  • Browse the possible workout options and select the appropriate.
Training options

Training options

  • Install the target program and its value using the wheel. If you want to put some specific goals, then just click on "Open" At the bottom of the page.
  • After completing the target setting, select "Start".
  • Apple Watch will start the countdown, after which the workout will begin.
Start training

Start training

When the time settled for the class halfway will expire, the clock will notify you about it with tactile touch.

  • For end classes from force click by screen
  • Choose "END"
End of training

End of training

  • Look at the full training report
  • Choose "SAVE"

Worth it notice, what designers intentionally did not add multiple settings to configure, to users Apple Watch could faster to begin train. Indestimed advantage regime Training acts the fact that device watch For all the indicators.

Video: Apple Watch video instructions in Russian -tre

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