Appendix Pedometer on the phone for android: how to install? How does a pedometer work in the phone?

Published by B. Android / Mobile Internet / Useful advice / Smartphones
8 Sep 2016.

This article will tell you about what pedometers are intended.

This article will tell you what a pedometer is how to use it, as well as for what purposes it is intended.


Surely there are people, which are engaged in such sports as active walkingeither peoplethat sit on a diet and which is required to count each calorieas well as those who daily cuts kilometers distance only to get to work.

It is for such groups of people, many developers of all kinds of programs appeared the idea that was to create a simple counter of the steps committed, and as you understand it was realized.

Therefore, today we will look at the pedomera programs that are most popular, comfortable as well possessing a completely understandable and intuitive interface with the possibility of choosing the Russian language.

What is hidden called "pedometer"?

Many probably think that this is a program that measures steps. Of course, they are right, but only in part. After all, as is known from the functionality and the capabilities of such programs, they are engaged in what they consider how many steps they made a person, and what distance he passed.

How to use the program pedometer?

Almost all pedometer programs have as we said at the beginning of this article, quite understandable, convenient and intuitive interface, since the Specification of these programs does not allow them to be independent and incomprehensible.

To take advantage of the pedometer you just need to click on the button "Start" or "To begin", I. the program will automatically start performing its tasks for calculating the steps.

What programs for smartphones on the Android platform exist?

There are a lot of such programs as pedometers in the magnificent Play Market, and they all differ from each other only by the design of the program, or in small capabilities, but no more.

Let's still consider which programs most popular in Play Market.who are named "pedometer".



The developer of this program is Noom Inc.

It is enough simple and easy in mastering an application that does not require special knowledge, even 80-year-old grandmother will be able to run it. But perhaps here are their nuances, because if on your smartphone there will be no G-sensor, and if in detail, the devices that are responsible for the position of the smartphone in space, in short, the same gyroscope, then on your device will not use a pedometer, and all attempts to include it will end only by the fact that the program will not function.

But also one minus This program is probably what he does not show a common kilometerwhich is summed from every day, and this is probably very bad.

In addition, it is worth notingthat the program is initially does not support GPS navigation systemIn connection with which it works only offline.

This program will be able to easily calculate you the number of calories, the average pace of your walk, as well as the pulse.


But the program Noom Due to the fact that it does not use the GPS system in operation, there is a big pluswhich is that it consumes very little energy of your battery, and for the day of active work program, it consume only 2-3% charge.

Therefore, if you want the program to support GPS and consider a common kilometer, then you should install more advanced models of these programs that in addition to more and more opportunities.

Be carefull! Noom makes measurement of steps in their quantity, while displaying the overall distance of movements. Therefore, if you move slowly, and in general, you prefer to walk a slow move, the program can simply incorrect to calculate the steps you have taken, as it is designed for medium or fast steps, as well as on running.


The developer of this program is Corusen LLC.


This petometer application has a very convenient work process, as it is capable of turning into a small widget. A huge plus Such a widget is that you can put it on your smartphone desktop and periodically watched how many steps wrapped in an hour or per day.

But in this application, and more specifically the principle of its work is to use G-sensor and accelerometer.

ACCUPEDO application It can work even in conditions when your smartphone will be in hand, bag, backpack or pocket.


Certainly, The main thing is that the smartphone is always with you, and did not lay on the computer table.

This application is excellent yet, what consumes a small battery charge, even when working, lasting a week.


The developer of this program is Protogeo.


Perhaps This is a representative of the most last line from the passometer series. If you do not want to buy expensive and narrow gadgets for active sports, then the Moves application will help solve this problem.

When this pedometer was only published, he was sold for 100 rubles, and only for users of smartphones running iOS, but the time of the weather developers decided to promote it for users of smartphones running Android, but for free.

But this program has one nuance, which is that to work with the program you first need to register and pass the system of authorization through their service, since without an account you simply cannot open this application


To start using this program, you you need to put your smartphone in your pocket, briefcase, bag, or in somewhere else convenient for you.

Go in the evening with my friend, mom or just something else somewhere, and later take a look into the program. There you will see the location of the results in this order:

  • Number of advanced steps
  • Common passed kilomera
  • Places where you stayed


Stepometer from Tayutau.

The developer of this program is Tayutau.


Excellent program to calculate the steps made by you, besides she is completely in Russian.

To take advantage This program, you must click on the "Start" button, but then put your smartphone in your pocket or bag.

Plus this program It is that the number of steps for a certain period you can look at the diagram.

Pedometer to reduce weight

The developer of this program is Pacer Health.


Excellent pedometerwhich is characterized by its compactness and ease of use. With it, you can easily find out how many steps did today, and how much yesterday.

Minus This program is that it is necessary for his work to make your device android operating system version 4.0 and higher.

Pedometer from 4Free Studio


Very interesting and easy to use pedometer, which allows you to set goals in front of you, which in the subsequent you need to achieve.

For example, you you can put a target for today, namely to make 10,000 steps per day, and then purposefully perform it.

This application also allows you to see the story of the steps taken, right up to an hour, which is definitely cool.

you also can keep statistics steps, but then find out how much passed a week, month and even a year.

Well, let's let down by the end of our article, since today we have disassembled a lot of useful and popular passometer programs, the use of which by destination will give a healthy figure not only to you, but also your family.

Video: How do pedometers work?


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