When ordering on Aliexpress did not indicate the patronymic: will the parcel come? How to add patronymic to Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
23 Jul 2017.

The article describes how to properly indicate its data on " Aliexpress».

When registering in a popular online store " Aliexpress»Users, as a rule, it is necessary to indicate their patronymic, surname and name. Often, in this matter, it seems to be simple, unpleasant situations may take shape. And in this review we will disassemble what problems can users occur.


When ordering on Aliexpress did not indicate the midst of the parcel makes the parcel as add the middle name for Aliexpress

Online store " Aliexpress"It is Chinese creation, and a huge part of the parcel leaves from China to other countries where a huge number of store customers lives. And with recently, the postal services of some such countries refuse to receive parcels, on which the patronymic of the recipient is not indicated.

When communicating with sellers " Aliexpress»Clients do not necessarily indicate their patronymic, but at the design of the parcel, the patronymic is not worth hiding.

Personal data on "Aliexpress"

When you indicate information about yourself on the site " Aliexpress"Try to record everything correctly, as the parcel may not come to your address.

Enter your last name, patronymic and name just as they hear on the hearing when subtracting from your passport so that in the future this data is always applied at the right moment. No errors are unacceptable here.

So, to introduce your data on " Aliexpress", Take the following:

  • Go to the website of the online store and register there (how to register on " Aliexpress"See this link).

When ordering on Aliexpress did not indicate the midst of the parcel makes the parcel as add the middle name for Aliexpress

  • Next log in to your " Personal Area»

When ordering on Aliexpress did not indicate the midst of the parcel makes the parcel as add the middle name for Aliexpress

  • Go to your settings, as indicated in the screenshot

When ordering on Aliexpress did not indicate the midst of the parcel makes the parcel as add the middle name for Aliexpress

Next, we find a clause where you want to specify your address. The parcels ordered in the store will come to him. If you have already entered the address during registration, then check its accuracy. If not entered, then read it carefully.


When ordering on Aliexpress did not indicate the midst of the parcel makes the parcel as add the middle name for Aliexpress

The first point when completing the address will be a graph with the surname, name and patronymic. That is, you will need to specify them, and Latin letters. For example, " Vasily Petrovich Sidorovsky.» ( Vasily Petrovich Sidorovsky).

If you do not know how your name would look like, then go through this link, enter the words with Cyrillic and click on the button " Translate" The system will automatically translate everything to the Latin way.

By the way, if you forget to introduce your patronymic, and the parcel will still reach your mail, then there are all the chances of getting it. If the parcel came to your address, and in your passport this address is specified, then the parcel will give you, although they will make a remark.

If you still have entered your name Latin letters incorrectly, but it can be disassembled by ear, then there will be no problems. But if the error is rude, then mail employees can and refuse to issue a parcel.


When ordering on Aliexpress did not indicate the midst of the parcel makes the parcel as add the middle name for Aliexpress

Video: Aliexpress. How to register and fill up the address?


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