When configuring the Tricolor TV writes - "Region List is not available": What to do, how to set up?

Published by B. Useful advice
10 Feb 2018.

The article will tell how to solve the problem "List of regions is not available" when setting up "Tricolor TV".

For many users of satellite television when configuring " Tricolor TV.»A message is displayed on the screen:" List of regions are not available" What to do in this case? How to configure " Tricolor TV."? Let's talk about it below.

"Tricolor TV"

First briefly get acquainted with this company. A large number of people prefer to connect to " Tricolor TV."Instead of cable television for the following reasons:

  • Fairly favorable prices
  • Large selection of television programs
  • Large selection of tariffs
  • Stable work, problems rarely happen
  • Connect to satellite TV can be in any region of the country

When you connect to " Tricolor TV."You provide a satellite antenna and a receiver, thanks to which it is possible to view television channels for every taste. If the receiver can eventually take new high-quality channels, it can be exchanged for a more advanced model (though, with a surcharge). This is the best opportunity to avoid unstable receiver.

New receivers are designed to catch all the channels of high quality, and also better protect against all sorts of hacking from fraudsters. But at the same time, there may be a problem when the message pops up: " List of regions are not available" We will deal with this issue.

Why does the message "Region List is not available" appears and how to solve this problem?


Error "List of regions is not available"

Such a problem, as we said, may occur when you exchange the old receiver to the new one. What's the matter? This means that the causes lie, most likely, in problems with the equipment itself. In addition, it will be difficult to say absolutely accurately, because of what a failure has happened. List all the possible options:

  • You missed the card incorrectly
  • You were improperly configured or connected an antenna
  • You have more than one connection to the receiving
  • Problem in Wires (insulation)

Now let's discuss every situation in detail.

Incorrect map connection


Map may be incorrectly connected

First you should check how the map is connected. If the old receiver is replaced with a new one, then in the latter there may be any changes and differences, for example, another map location. Therefore, you need to do the following:

  • Take a guide to the use of the new receiver and find a map location item (as a rule, this information is presented in the image).
  • Next, completely turn off the receiver and get out of the map
  • Insert it again according to the manual and turn on the receiver again.
  • Now check the operation of the receiver

If it did not help correct the problem, then think about what to do next.

You have more than one connection to the receiving

You should always keep in mind that only one cable can be connected to the receiver. Parallel connections are not allowed. If you have everything in order with this, then we turn to the next step.

Antenna Setup

An equally important issue is to configure the satellite antenna. For this, you at least need assistant (relative, friend, neighbor) and compass (or accurate knowledge of the parties to the light in your area).


Configure antenna

First check the cable at all of its receiver to the antenna. If there are any damage, then learn the last step in our instruction. If everything is fine with the cable, all plugs are well connected to the connectors, then go directly to the plate. At the same time, your assistant should have a TV and contact you on the phone so that you do not shift.

Check if the antenna is directed correctly. When installing it, employees " Tricolor TV."I had to notify you, where and at what angle should look a plate.

If you do not remember this information, or for some reason you have not been reported, then carefully turn the antenna in different directions. Keep the helper in touch, he will notify you if a stable signal appeared.

Antenna should not be among the branches of trees or have any obstacles for catching the signal. If all the actions taken did not help you, then proceed to the last step.

Problem with cable

In addition to previous actions, you should check the cable connected to the receiver. If you find explicit damage to the cable, then you should contact a specialist and not try to solve the question yourself. Even if the cable is not damaged, then you will not have anything else to do, except to attract a company employee to solve your problem. Make the following:

  • Call the operator
  • Report your problem: The absence of a signal and damage to the cable (or not about its knowledge, what's the problem).
  • Make a meeting and wait for a specialist
  • When the master arrives, explain to him that you have taken all the necessary steps, but the problem was not solved. The specialist will be engaged in your equipment until it starts to work properly.

Video: How to configure tricolor TV channels yourself?


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