Perekubnaya Tarification MegaFon: how to connect, disable
An article on how to connect and what features of the action "Everything is simple" from megaphone
An excellent share offers a well-known megaphone operator for residents of Moscow and the near Moscow region! Not for nothing, the action is called "everything is simple"! Indeed, it is easy to do it, because the rates are carried out every second, more precisely in one minute of conversation, in rubles, taking into account taxes.
Rates Shares
The cost of outgoing calls is 2 rubles, for all telephone numbers of Moscow and the Moscow region
- the option is downloaded for free
- there is no daily subscription fee
- tariffation every second on outgoing numbers
How to connect to the service?
You are granted several ways to connect to the "All simple" promotion. Choose the optimal option from them.
- connection on the operator's website, when the phone number is introduced. In this case, a response message will come with short information on the rules of attachment
- connection using sending any text message to the number 0500984
- connection using a code set *105*0084#, On your phone
- connection, by listening to the voice of the robot - machine, after dialing 0500984
How to disable the service?
- disable service via personal account
- disable with code *105*0084#
- disable by contacting the service center by number 0500 (for megaphone subscribers) or 8 800 550 05 00 (for other subscribers)
Communicate with pleasure and inexpensively in the metropolitan region!