Pokemon GO - Last Version: Game Guide to Russian For Beginners

Published by B. Android / iOS.
20 Sep 2016.

Instructions for starting playing in Pockemon Go. Tips players.

Pokemon. Go. is an player pro pocket monsstric in alternative reality. She is motor lot noise and provoked lot funny and dangerous situation. But for it is many yet not at all understood everything her regulations and subtleties and in this article we we will understand these questions. so, instruction Pokemongo for beginners.

Start games

Pokemon Go - how to play?

Pokemon Go - how to play?

Download official attachment you you can here.

After first launch need to to do binding his Googleaccount, or to do separate profile Pokemon. Training Club.. Further set up, as will be to look like the character and come up nick. After of this boot field for gameslittle decorated map Google Maps.. For yours movements, avataram. will be go by yours path, so what can dress and go on the street.

Professor Willow. will be yours game menator and suggest for start choose one of pokemonCharmantera, Bulbasogur or Skviglla. They are appear about you on the map. Click on the anyone of them.

If a you need Pikachu, that get out little from proposed options. They are again will be about you appear, but you deposit further until among three primary monsters not will appear Pikachu.

what at all we need do?

What is needed for playing Pokemon GO?

What is needed for playing Pokemon GO?

Main meaning gamessearch, growing and workout pokemon, but also fights per possession control pointstowers or jim. By toy cause, what the game tied to GoogleMaps., that hunt on the pokemon you will be for walking by city or running on the bicycle or friend similar means movement.

what speak icons on the screen?

Instructions for beginners Pokemon Go

Instructions for beginners Pokemon Go

On the basic erane distributed some icon. Down below left located portrait character from his level and experience. If a click by him, that display dialed experience, his achievements, quantity pokemonet, team and magazine events.

IN very center located button in video sieffola. She is allows go in setting, look in in pokheks and discover about collected monstrics, but also look what there is in backpack or visit score.

On right down below window, where showing the nearest pokemon. Click by him, to see all. About eVERY pokemon. you find print his lap. Than them less, top nearer is he to you. By measure your his approximation icon monster disposed in most top list. By the way, systems navigation in attached and not, so what,as pass the to pokemon, think have to alone.

For what need backpack and score?

Why do you need a backpack and shop in Pokemon GO?

Why do you need a backpack and shop in Pokemon GO?

N. one hunting not can be good luck without tool. IN ours situation this is себабола, camera and incubator, where will be stored eggs. it issued for first input in game and will be in backpack.

Score allows acquire additional себабола, bait for pokemon, happy eggs, which add experience and to do pumping backpack, incubators or apartment for pokemon. Sure, this is not everything, what can acquire. But rest full easily to find in game, so what spending not full justified.

how to find pokemon.?

How to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

How to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

IN basic they are are located in ludoma place or about attractions. Sometimes on the map can see grass. Before go to there. IN some cases prey appears suddenly. TO example, pokemon, which relate to difficult elephists, in basic there and dwell, that there is Madzhikarp w. ponds, but Bulbazavrin parks. BUT some appear only by night.

When about you will be pokemon, that telephone start vibrate and save sound alert. Click by beast., to to begin hunt on the it. When pokemon will be found on the map, for aid cameras exercise locality around, but then kinte in it pokebol. By the way, option can turn off. IN such. case after clique by icon on the map pokemon will be before you.

how throw pokebol.?

How to throw someone in Pokemon Go?

How to throw someone in Pokemon Go?

Put on the pokebol. finger, but further spend them in side animal. Yours a taskget in white a circle. When you nZMETE on the pokebol., around beast draws yet one a circle, which the gradually will be squeal. If a get in it, that you will be accrued additional experience. You can try to do clean throw, which the adds yet little experience and increases chance on the good luck fishing pokemon.. But for of this need practice.

Some opponents from high level, or rare, will be often break out of sieffola, but not worth it worn out, simply continue throws. Sure, them lot, but each new attempt forces everything more tire opponents, what increases chance on the cheek.

Than less w. cup diameter, top more chance to catch pokemon.. When you reached seventh level, that you stant available yagoda. Imi can feed pokemon. and w. it decreases chances on the the escape. After tenth level себабола stant cooler, what also does chance primy above. By the way, everything these nice little things you you can receive only on the poker.

what that poker?

 What is a half-winding?

What is a half-winding?

it tied to defined mesal point on the map. She is presents by himself luminous cubic, which the by measure approximation will be looks like on the pokebol.. To look a place, click by map and you opens snapshot. Spend by display welcome and of it fall out items. it maybe be себабола or eggs pokemon. Issued «plush» everyone five minutes. If a about poker flying petals, that this is he speaks about tom, what there installed bait, so worth it sit and wait.

For what collect and disembark eggs?

Why do I need eggs in Pokemon GO?

Why do I need eggs in Pokemon GO?

Everyone pokemon appears of eggs, that can be placed in incubator, to per empty process sURNING. Eggs have three type2, 5 and 10 kilometers. That there is, this is distance must be passed for togo, to egg hatched.

IN incubator can place only one egg. The game tracks out, from what speed you move and for exceeding 25 kM/c. progress not passed. Although there is already lot soviets in internet like binding smartphone to toy machine or fan..

For what given candy and star dust?

Candy Star Dust in Pokemon Go

Candy and Star Dust in Pokemon Go

IN description w. eVERY pet available option Power Up. and Evolve., to intensified evolution. These resources and require star dust and candy. For all pokemon envisaged its candy, but to find them can also in time fishing. For sure also to find can and star dust. Besides togo, everyone zverek it has parameters CP. (Combat. Power) and HP., which can increase from help Power Up..

Pokemon can be posted to dr. Willow. inspend on the candy. IN it is you will help button Transfer., located in profile animal. Worth it to tell, what after exchange, back pet you already not get,

Dust and candy it is better not spend immediately, but leave before 20 level, so as to agriculture moment w. you already appear strong pokemon, but them we need pumping and grow. Except can become, eg, rare pokemon Lapras., so as fly his highly complicated.
What exactly pittsev sway solve only you.

Teamsfor what they are need?

Teams in Pokemon Go

Teams in Pokemon Go

Already from fifth level permitted join in teams, which also fight per championship in Pokemon. Go.. After choice suitable community you will be fight per his interests. Commands total threeTeam. Instinct., Team. Mystic. and Team. Valor. and everything have his philosophy.

Large towers on the map

What is Jim in Pokemon FO?

What is Jim in Pokemon Go?

it jima, that there is points, which controls yours team. That community, that controls point, does this is sO all district. If a w. towers white color, that her can quietly take under control without boy. IN nasty case you waiting battle.

The battle passes in video small games. there is three optiontap by screen for ataaki., swipe for evasion and long pressing on the display for activation special ataaki.. A task simpleyou should pick up everything health w. enemy and for it is save honey. For victory tower will be you and you will be able to put his pet on the guard. The battle per tower is an excellent opportunity for pumping pokemon. and receipt coins.

what yet need to know?

Pokemon GO game tips

Pokemon GO game tips

Always remember about tom, what hunting can be dangerous. Catching pokemon, sure, cheerful occupation, but by parties also look worth it, to not please under machine or not lie down in whatsomething. If a pokemon you too fascinated, that it is better play from friend to hunting was merry.

Video: Pokemon Go in Russia | How to start playing?

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