Why does the phone hangs, discharged and turns off in the cold? How to prepare a phone to a cold winter?

Published by B. Useful advice / Smartphones
21 Mar 2017.

Winter is not the best time for electronics. Permanent temperature change, can cause condensate inside smartphones and other gadgets. What not only can lead to a quick discharge, but also negatively affects everything without exception of the electronic device modules. So how to help the smartphone "survive" winter?

How to prepare a phone to a cold winter?

The most important advice to all owners of "smart" phones is, less use your devices in the cold. Of course, winter should not prevent your daily use of the smartphone. But, if this is not necessary, it is better to care the device until you are warm.

Smartphone thing is rather fragile. And in the winter there is a high probability of falling from slipping on icing paving slabs. To reduce the risk of breaking the smartphone from an unsuccessful fall, wear a device in the domestic pocket jacket. Pants pants for this case are not too suitable. In addition, you can smash it, in this place the smartphone is less protected from low temperatures.

It is also very important keep smartphone in winter season dry. After you come from the street home, be sure to remove the device from the case. Especially if in its quality use silicone bumper. As preparation of a smartphone for winter, buy for him more "warm" case. On aliexpress big choice This type of chevs for smartphones.

At low temperatures talk on the phone better through the headset. So talk more convenient for the owner. No need to press a cold phone to the ear. And, secondly, it will allow the device in a warm place and not to experience problems when used in the cold.

For the convenience of using a smartphone on the frost, you can use special gloves. They will allow use touch screen Smartphone is not barren fingers.

Touchscreen gloves

Touchscreen gloves

And another lifehak. If you need to "warm up" a smartphone, run a heavy application on it. It will help to activate the operation of the processor, RAM, motherboard and battery. Which in turn will lead to heat of the device.

Why does the phone hangs, discharged and turns off in the cold?

Many mobile phone users probably noticed that they are discharged faster in frost. There is nothing supernatural. The whole thing in chemistry. The fact is that at a minus temperature in lithium batteries (installed almost on all modern smartphones), ion exchange and other processes are slowed down during battery operation.

In addition, the internal resistance of the battery increases, and its container can temporarily decrease to 50%. In this case, when the device falls on Wednesday with normal temperature, the performance of the battery and its capacity will be recovered before the initial state.

Important: In one of Apple's manuals, it is directly said that at temperatures below 35 degrees, the battery can completely stop performing its functions. Recently, such frosts are rare in most of our country. But when they are, it is better to use our smartphone once on the street not to use.

The phone does not turn on after the cold: what to do

If you came in winter from the street and found that your phone is turned off and does not give signs of life, do not hurry to connect it to the charger. Give him yourself to reach the room temperature.

Smartphone frozen

Smartphone frozen

When the phone warms up, connect it to the charger. Let him charge at least half the battery volume and only then turn on. But here one negative moment may appear. With a complete discharge of the battery, the smartphone itself may not turn on.

Most modern devices have a battery must have at least 3.2 volts. When the smartphone is discharged and the charge remains below this quantity, the microcircuit of the device is blocked. Unlocking at home is not always possible. And in service centers such a service is quite expensive.

If your "frozen" smartphone has a removable battery, then immediately, how to buoy at home, remove it and leave it. After that, you can put it back into the smartphone and try to charge the standard way. If charging did not let yourself know, then stretch with the buttons. Click simultaneously the volume and the power button.

If the phone does not turn on after the cold and all of the above methods did not help, you can try to use the "Frog" charging. If you have no such charging, then cut the plug from the old charging and connect the smartphone battery directly to the wires. Leave it for 1-2 hours. Then insert the battery into the smartphone and try to enable. Should help.

Smartphone does not turn on when charging

Smartphone does not turn on when fully charged

Winter is the most unfavorable time for electronic devices. With a strong frost, smartphones are preferably not used. Come home do not rush to put a cold device for charging. Give it to warm to room temperature yourself.

Video. Smartphone Winter Battery in Frost - All you need to know

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