Why does the phone quickly charge and quickly discharged? The phone is long and slowly charging and quickly discharged: what to do?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Useful advice / Smartphones
9 Apr 2017.

In this article, you will learn about why the phone is charging slowly, and also how to fix it.

Surely you came across a problem when your smartphone was quickly charged, and at the same time also quickly discharged. Usually, users begin to face such a problem over 3-5 years after buying a new mobile smartphone.

So today we will consider many reasons and problems, because of which not only your smartphone suffers, but also your nerves when working with it.

Why is the phone slowly charged?

Problem number 1: You have a bad cable


If your phone is charged slowly, it can only mean that it starts a lot of background applications, or a USB cable that you charge your smartphone does not have sufficient power.

After all, in everyday life, we do not notice what is happening with our USB cables. For example, modern cables have a flashering property, fall. But in the end it can lead to his breakdown and replacement to a new one.

If you want to distinguish a working cable from non-working, you just look at the bottom of the USB connector. You will see two thin little "Tower"who hold the USB cable securely connected to your device. You also need to see the front of the connector. You will find a number of tiny little teeth.

Thus, you will have to buy a new USB cable in one of the digital technology stores.

Problem number 2: You have a weak power supply


In the event that you charge the smartphone from the computer, then you need to understand that the USB port of the computer or laptop does not produce enough power. As a result, it can be noted that charging from a laptop gives about 1.2a, and charging the smartphone from the network gives 2.1a.

Therefore, if you think your USB cable is to blame for slow charging, then you need to try to charge the smartphone from the network. Note that this requires an appropriate adapter that has the regulatory values \u200b\u200bsuitable for your smartphone, otherwise it can lead to a short circuit, or again, to slow charging.

Problem number 3: You have a weak adapter


The problem of slow charging, as mentioned above, can also be an adapter. Therefore, if your USB cable is original, and the adapter is not, then the problem is in it.

Problem number 4: You have an outdated smartphone model

Modern mobile devices are subject to new technologies that support fast charging. Therefore, if your phone is charged extremely slowly compared to others, then you would have to answer the question. Isn't my smartphone outdated?

However, even in the case of modern devices, this problem takes place. For example, for new devices, special patented adapters and cables are manufactured, which according to the standard give about 3,5A. Therefore, if you charge a new smartphone with charging, which gives 2,1A, then certainly your smartphone will be charged longer.

Problem number 5: You have a bad battery


Often, you can find a situation where the manufacturers of smartphones produced models that were married to batteries and other faults.

Therefore, in this case, you need to contact the manufacturer's breeder, or simply purchase a new battery for a smartphone.

Problem number 6: You "hang" on the smartphone

Surprisingly a huge number of smartphone users do not know that the most battery "lies" from their phone is a screen. Thus, it is necessary to understand that the high brightness of the display will definitely reduce the decrease in the battery charge on your smartphone.

Therefore, if you need your phone to quickly charge, let him relax while it is on the charger.

Problem number 7: Background applications "Lie" Your Battery


Despite the fact that your screen takes the most battery on your smartphone, you may also have several hidden applications running in the background, which contribute to the rapidly discharge of your smartphone battery. After all, Android applications have a property to be constantly updated, even in the background.

The easiest solution to this problem is to open application manager, and close all backgrounds. When you find that one of the working applications is strongly "liquefied" the charge of your battery, you need to delete it.

Problem number 8: Your USB port was drunk, clogged


Throughout the day, your phone holds in your pocket or handbag with all the dust, dust and particles. Quite often, trash, dust, dirt, etc. fall into the USB port.

Therefore, you need to use a flashlight in order to inspect the USB port of your phone. If you see that the USB port contains extra masses, you need to take any pointed tool. Be very careful not to damage any port components, otherwise you may encounter a more serious problem than now. We recommend using a plastic (and not wooden) toothpick.

Problem number 9: USB port is damaged

If you in the process of using the smartphone randomly broke or bent a contact in the USB port of your phone, you will have a little repair to replace the USB port in the smartphone.

Thus, if your smartphone is worth it for warranty, then you can contact the warranty coupon to get cheap or free renovation.

Problem number 10: USB port oxidized


Among other things, you may also have some corrosion from sweat or humidity. Corrosion is a particularly vicious problem, since it creates a certain layer over the connecting contacts, which serves an obstacle to charging, but even worse if you do not get rid of it. In this case, it will continue to spoil your device, causing all big and big problems.

Therefore, if you want to save your phone from corrosion, you should disassemble the device to determine the corrosion area.

It is worth notingThat corrosion can be removed using alcohol or vinegar.

  • Wipe all the corrosion on the chip, and make sure that the vinegar does not hit the work area of \u200b\u200bthe chip.
  • Once you are covered with corrosion vinegar, wait 10 minutes, then use a paper napkin to remove vinegar. Repeat this process until corrosion deals.
  • After that, you will need to put a smartphone on the windowsill or any place that is well ventilated. Leave the phone for 2-3 hours.
  • Then collect a smartphone, and try to enable it!

Why is the phone quickly charged?

Often, users face with such a problem when their smartphone is charged very quickly.

So let's consider what problems can be in this case.

Problem number 1. On your smartphone installed the MCharge option

Modern smartphones are equipped with a quick charging technology that allows you to charge the smartphone in just an hour. But still, this option has one substantial minus, since, with quick charging, the smartphone battery is very hot, from which its service life is reduced by 1.5-2 times. Therefore, if you want your battery to light up much longer, turn off this option.

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Problem number 2. Your battery has become unusable

As you know, lithium batteries do not have such high durability as lead batteries. Therefore, when the battery comes to the end of the service life, it begins to malfunctions.

As a result, you can meet the following problems:

  • The phone is quickly charged and quickly discharged
  • The phone is constantly rebooted and off
  • The phone does not work without recharging as long as it worked before.

Exit from this situation will serve the purchase of a new battery for a smartphone.

Problem number 3. You use flight mode (Air Mode)

When you are constantly connected to your cellular network due to low signal level, autonomous work time drops greatly. So if you use "Flight Mode by Plane"then your phone will keep the charge much longer than when it is turned off Air Mode..

Therefore, to once again answer the question "How to be charged smartphone", We will advise you to enable the mode in the plane.

On this we will probably finish our article. We hope you have found your way to solve a problem with a slow smartphone charging!

Video: Quickly sits down the battery on Android. We solve the problem

Video: Top 7 reasons why your smartphone is quickly discharged

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