Why constantly jumps out the inscription "USB device is not recognized": the reasons what to do? Why Windows fails to identify a USB device from the phone, iPhone 4, 4s, android, flash drive, mouse: what to do how to fix the error?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Microsoft Office. / Windows / Useful advice / Smartphones
December 7, 2017.

If you constantly have a message: "USB is not recognized," read the article about what to do.

It often happens that the USB module is not inserted into the PC processor port or laptop, and constantly jumps out the inscription that the USB device is not recognized. Why is it going on, what is the reason and what to do? Look response to this question in this article.

Why constantly jumps out the inscription "USB device is not recognized": the reasons what to do?

Constantly pops up

Constantly pops up "USB device is not recognized"

Inscription "USB device is not identified" Usually appears with a characteristic sound. If such a messaging pops up often, the sound and the message itself prevents the work. Causes and ways to fix them:

Reinstall the system

  • Many users often resort to such a solution to the problem. But it does not always help.
  • Usually, even on the new OS Messag again appears, but with periodicity even more often than before.

Clean USB ports

  • To do this, disconnect all USB devices and carefully brush all the holes.
  • Perhaps the contact was collapsed and remained in the port. It performs the connection and therefore pops up a message.

Delete all USB drivers

  • Perhaps the reason in the incorrect operation of the drivers.
  • After their demolition, restart the computer. Re-install the drivers of all necessary USB devices.
  • Usually such a way to solve the problem helps 100%.

Complete the work on the PC and turn it off after the closure of all programs.

  • If the computer has been turned off, and the programs are not closed, then they need to be restored.
  • Go to the folder with the program, click on it with the mouse, the utility will offer "restore" or "Delete", Select the first.
  • Then the recovery process will pass and the problem must disappear.
  • If you use an OS OS, the programs need to be closed manually. On the new Windows (7, 8.1 and so on) all programs are closed automatically after clicking the " OFF».

If the problem cannot be solved anyway, then you should contact IT technologies.

Why Windows fails to identify a USB device from the phone, iPhone 4, 4s, android, flash drive, mouse: what to do how to fix the error?

Windows cannot identify USB device from phone, iPhone 4, 4S, android, USB flash drive, mouse

Windows cannot identify USB device from phone, iPhone 4, 4S, android, USB flash drive, mouse

It happens that the USB module is inserted into the PC port, but pops up a message that it is not identified. Why Windows fails to identify this block from the phone, iPhone 4, 4S, android, flash drive, mouse? What to do in this case, and how to fix this error? Here are some tips:

USB device malfunction

  • Make sure it is all right.
  • Connect to another PC or laptop.
  • If the error appears on other devices, then it should be replaced, or to repair.
  • If such an error occurs sometimes, in this case it is necessary to repair contacts.
  • The cable is driving and damaged, especially with long use. Replace cable and the problem should disappear.

Fault in USB port

  • If the USB port controller has failed on the motherboard or spoiled contacts, the PC will not be able to identify the device.
  • To solve this problem, open the task manager and check the marks opposite USB controllers.
  • If there are red "mugs" or "tick", then a specific controller is faulty. This can be viewed in the properties.
  • Repair this item or replace it to eliminate the error.
Windows cannot identify USB device

Windows cannot identify USB device

Cheap usb-hub

  • Such an adapter is an excellent invention, but it must be high quality.
  • Now there are many Chinese cheap fakes on the market, and people, of course, give her preference. Such low-quality devices are incompatible with a PC or laptop, and quickly fail.
  • Try not to use adapters if you don't want to buy high-quality hub elements, otherwise the hardware and computer conflict can constantly arise.

Problem with drivers

  • This is the most common cause of the fault that has appeared: " USB is not recognized».
  • If so, then you will see a yellow sign in the section " Device management».
  • It is necessary to delete or reinstall the driver.

Important: If you connect a USB device and restart a computer, then urgently stop all such attempts to re-compound. Otherwise, this will lead to serious malfunctions of the components of the elements of your PC.

Video: USB device is not recognized, what to do?

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