Why not play video in instagram? Does not open and not played video in Instagram: Cause to do? How to open video in instagram if it does not load?

Published by B. Instagram. / Social networks
3 Feb 2018.

The article will tell why the video does not work in "Instagram".

In this review we will look at why in " Instagram.»Do not play videos and learn what to do in this case.

What should I do if "Instagram" does not open and is not viewed video?



In fact, in this case, there may be a number of reasons, and it will require us to resort to various ways to solve the problem.

What causes may happen, because of which the video does not open in " Instagram."? Imagine a list:

  • Bad communication with the Internet. This is a completely standard problem that sometimes happens almost every user. With low speed of the Internet, video will be loaded quite bad not only in " Instagram.", But also on any other resource. If you have a mobile Internet, then you should choose either another higher-quality tariff plan, or use Wi-Fi.
  • Outdated mobile app « Instagram." Do not forget that " Instagram."It was conceived as a service to accommodate various images. Therefore, the first versions of the application did not allow the opportunity to post on the social network of the video. If you have an old version of the application, you certainly update it, after which you will no longer have problems with the video.
  • Outdated version of the operating system. It should also be remembered that on some gadgets with installed older versions of the operating system, new versions of mobile applications may not work. Accordingly, we will encounter the problem described in the previous case. Update the OS so that you can update the mobile application " Instagram.».
  • No sound in video. Problems may also occur not so much with the addition of video, as due to the lack of sound in it. When watching a video, click on the inclusion of the sound and, as a rule, it fully helps. But if it still did not help, then in the settings " Instagram.»Check if the option" Is activated " Sound" In chapter "Video».
What should I do if

Check if the "Sound" option is activated in the "Video" section?

What should I do if

The "Sound" option in the Video section activated

Video: What to do if the story is not loaded in "Instagram"?

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