Why Flash Player does not work on the phone, tablet, car radio on Android: reasons how to enable, configure? How to update Flash Player on the phone, tablet, car radio android: step-by-step instruction

Published by B. Android / Useful advice / Smartphones
6 Feb 2018.

The article will tell why Flash Player sometimes does not work on Android devices.

Suppose you are a hot fan of gadgets running the system " Android" You went to the store with great enthusiasm and acquired a modern smartphone, telephone, tablet or even a car radio. Which of these devices, a little different from each other, would not bought, at one moment you had to face one common problem for them - the plugin does not work Flash Player.».


Flash Player plugin does not work.

To begin with, we note that Flash Player."This is a plugin, with which it seems possible to listen to music or view video in browsers. And so, you encountered a problem when " Flash Player."Does not work on the phone, tablet or car radio control" Android" It seems very unpleasant, and you would like to quickly solve this problem. In this review, we will deal with this issue and let us at the end of important advice.

Why on my smartphone, tablet, car radio, the phone "Android" does not work "Flash Player"?

As we said, " Flash Player."It is necessary, as a rule, to watch video or listening to music in various browsers. If you talk, for example, about computers, then today on the same " YouTube"Another plugin and rollers are running without any problems.

But even if on other sites it is used " Flash Player.", Then it works fine, since" Windows"It supports it well. But the fact is that in mobile versions of browsers on gadgets support " Flash Player."It is often absent. It is for this reason that it does not work, and for this reason you cannot take advantage of the media resources.

By the way, the same " Flash Player.»We need to show appropriate advertising on different sites. And when you see gray rectangles with an inscription about the error instead of advertising, it says that " Flash Player."It does not work, not supported.


The plugin is not supported by Android

So remember the most important thing. Modern operating system " Android" do not support " Flash Player."That is the main reason why this plugin does not work on tablets or telephones under control" Android».

Earlier on older versions " Android»The plugin was still maintained, and the owners of old gadgets can still use free" Flash Player."What you can not say about users who bought a new smartphone just yesterday. But worthy replacement " Flash Player."Already appeared and appeared relatively long ago, for example, in the face" HTML5."With which we can quietly admire the media content on" YouTube».

To be honest to " HTML5."Began to move very many sites, judging by his success on" YouTube", And plugin" Flash Player."Just became gradually small steps to go into the past. As we have already spoken, and on modern devices " Android"He stopped working.

And here we get into the strange situation. The need to solve the problem by which " Flash Player."Does not work on tablets and phones" Android", Begins to disappear, but many users still would like to find the answer to this question. Below we will try to give tips for users.

What if "Flash Player" does not work on car radio, tablets and "Android" phones?


"Flash Player" for Android

In principle, in this case, you can give three advice:

  • Take advantage of another browser
  • Establish " Flash Player."Forcibly
  • Keep up with the times, forget about outdated " Flash Player."And enjoy modern sites (" YouTube" etc.).

Looking ahead Let's say that the last option will be most appropriate because every one of the time " Flash Player.»Begin to refuse various sites, and you will have to simply narrow the number of places you visit on the Internet.

Moreover, according to us, statistics, a huge amount of resources tries to adapt to modern mobile devices, since most users come to the Internet. You just look like a car driver on a steam engine, among new modern cars.

But we will not be categorical, we will now turn to the first option. If you need to be on your " Android"Earned" Flash Player.", Then change your browser. You, in principle, can install " Google Chrome», « Mozilla" or " Opera" This will help solve the problem. We will not offer you to use the old gadget, but, if it is very necessary, you can do it so that the browser does not have to change.

Now according to the second option - the installation " Flash Player." To date, on official sites where you can download mobile applications, we did not find " Flash Player." It is clear that you will not be able to download it from there.

What to do? To do this, you have to use archival versions of the plugin for " Android»Devices. Go to the search engine and score in the search bar " download "Flash Player" for Android version 11.1».

But pay attention to the following circumstance. Archival versions of the plug-in are not recommended for use by their manufacturer, since they are not acceptable from the point of view of security. Simply put, attackers will be able to sprout your confidential data.

Video: What to do if Flash Player does not work on the Android device?


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