Why does the audio player not work on the phone, tablet, car radio on android: reasons how to set up? Why doesn't the launch melody play on the phone, tablet, car radio android?

Published by B. Android / Useful advice
6 Feb 2018.

The article will tell you what to do if the music does not reproduce music on devices.

It often happens that users of tablets, telephones, car radio and smartphones running "Android" are faced with problems associated with tracking tracks. At such moments it becomes not clear why the audio player does not work and for what reasons does he not see songs?


What to do if the music does not play on the devices "Android"?

At the same time, the music is reproduced only partially on separate tracks, or not reproduced at all. So what's the deal? In this case, we have a number of reasons what will be said in this review. Below you will learn why the audio player does not work on the phone, the tablet, the radio driven by " Android».

What reasons do not play music on Android devices: tablets, smartphones, phones, car radio?

In this case, the following reasons can be distinguished:

  • The audio player has bugs and allows errors when working
  • The device updated the operating system, but the gadget is not rebooted
  • System folder hides audio files
  • Tracks have too long names

Now let's talk about how to solve all these problems

Reload Gadget


Restart "Android"

Sometimes an audio player on the gadget " Android"Does not see songs by a fairly banal reason. For example, updates have been updated in the telephone operating system, but that they come into force, you just need to restart the gadget. At that time, when you try to listen to music, the gadget seems to know that he has updates. Just restart the gadget - turn off and turn it on.

At the same time, you do not need to use any other settings or reset settings, you should not take additional actions. But if rebooting the device " Android"It does not help, then resort to other ways to solve the problem.

Show the names of the tracks

If the default player is installed on your smartphone or tablet, and you are using it, it is not excluded that this audio player simply does not see songs because of their long names. This reason can be considered not rarely encountered. Here you can use at least two options.

First, the title of the track can be simply shortened. But if it does not help, or you do not want to change something in the name of the song, then there is another solution option. Change the default audio player on a third-party application that will have great features. Learn more about audio players for " Android»Devices you can on this link.

Reset the "Android" settings of the device


Resetting "Android"

As they say, the option is also. It is often enough when the music is not reproduced on the gadgets, the reason can be a fairly simple simple problem. In most cases, there is no need to call specialists for a long time to dig in the phone and make other radical methods.

As we have already figured out higher, to solve the problem there are enough reboot of the device or shifting the title of the track to a shorter. In this case, try simply reset the gadget settings to the factory, but you probably know that your gadget (its software) will return to the state in which you bought it.

True, there is no one hundred percent warranty that it will help. Sometimes more radical measures have to be applied. But you should not despair, in any case, we will be able to solve the problem, if only your gadget has real physical damage.

Additional software


Applications for Android

If in some cases the music is not reproduced due to the fact that the audio player does not see it, then sometimes you cannot listen to the tracks, even if their list is observed on the display.

By the way, we have already mentioned this problem. The fact is that some players simply cannot read the definition of the formats of audio files, although they are visible on the gadget. In this case, it is best to download and install a new more advanced audio player.

But you can go and other a little more complex way. Reindevelop the files from one format to another, for example, on the computer, and then throw them back to the smartphone.

System folder hides audio files


Folder ".nomedia"

On gadgets " Android»There is a system folder called" .nomedia" This folder is needed in order to hide unnecessary files. The disadvantage here is that for an extra file, this folder may calculate the music track. In this case, it is better to get rid of this folder to play in favor of saving tracks.

Video: Avtomagnetol "Android" does not reproduce music on folders, what to do?

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