Why not open and not displayed reviews for Aliexpress: reasons. How to read the reviews for Aliexpress if they are not loaded?

Published by B. Aliexpress
8 Oct 2017.

The article will tell why on " Aliexpress»Customer reviews may not be displayed.

If we join the various instructions for using the online store " Aliexpress."Note one general advice. This Council is that before buying any product on " Aliexpress.»It should be studied by its description, the rating of the seller and customer reviews.


Why the "Aliexpress" do not displays feedback from buyers about goods, or not all reviews are visible?

Product reviews are really an important point. Based on how people evaluate the seller and his goods, we can conclude, buy or not buy products from him. Everything is clear with that.

But often users notice that the number of orders, the feedback counter and the real number of reviews may differ from each other. In other words, it happens that the huge number of reviews is simply not displayed on the site, or the reviews are completely absent at all.

What is the problem? Why do not display reviews and do not open on " Aliexpress."? How to read them? Let's wonder in our review.

Why are reviews not displayed on Aliexpress?

First let's talk about the indicators. Why is there a huge difference between the number of reviews and orders? The bottom line is that when buying a product, the user can see all orders for him. Even if the order for this product was canceled, the parcel was not expelled, all the same the number of orders will be displayed as if they were all successful.

And it goes to your hand to the seller himself to raise your rating. Such sellers come very slyly. They offer their goods to " Aliexpress."At very low prices.

Buyers "attack" to this product and make orders, but the seller, in the end, does not send the goods to the client, but simply returns to him money. Ultimately, the number of orders themselves increases, the rating increases, and the seller rejoices. It is possible to drink champagne.

There is another nuance. Suppose that the goods are really good and the buyer sent him to the client. The buyer will not leave his review until he receives and will not appreciate his purchase, and the parcel goes to 30 or more days. Consequently, the number of reviews will be less than the number of orders, since the reviews are left with the receipt.

Upon the above reasons, this difference is obtained. But this is half trouble. The reviews themselves may not be displayed at all, or appear in smaller quantities.

For example, when the user enters the product description, he sees that the meter indicates a certain number of reviews, but the reviews themselves may not be at all. Pay attention to the screenshot below. We see that the meter says 14 reviews for the product. But if we consider the number of reviews themselves, they will be 9:


Why the "Aliexpress" do not displays feedback from buyers about goods, or not all reviews are visible?

What's the matter? Does the seller simply remove all negative reviews about his product so as not to spoil the impression about him? No, this can not happen. Sellers have no opportunity to delete reviews, as the online store " Aliexpress."Take care of honest trading deals, which makes it popular.

If you bought the goods, and you did not like it, then you can speak free about it, and the seller no longer edits and will not delete your comment. He can only agree with you if his suggestions arrange you.

Now explain why the reviews are not displayed. On the " Aliexpress.»Reviews for 30 days will not be visible until the seller leaves his own feedback about his buyer.

That is, after receiving the goods by the client, and the seller, and the buyer gives 1 month to leave feedback on each other. If the seller does not speak about the client, then the buyer's response will not be visible within 30 days not only to other users, but also to the seller.

If the seller is overloaded with its trading transactions and other affairs, he does not have time to respond about every customer. And if the seller from those creeps, about which we wrote above, then he will deliberately keep silence every month when it felt that the buyer left an angry review about him and spoiled his rating.

It is for these reasons that users see only a part of the product reviews, or not see a single revocation, although the counter shows that the comments are left with a large number of people.

Just a counter indicates all the left comments, and we only see customer reviews that the seller responded. And to read all the reviews left by buyers, you need to wait at least one month after each performed trade transaction.


Why the "Aliexpress" do not displays feedback from buyers about goods, or not all reviews are visible?

Do the seller feedback about the buyer affect the rating of the latter?

Online store " Aliexpress."Declares that the negative feedback from the seller about the buyer will not affect the client's reputation. But we will not relax in this case, since reality is often different from assurances.

All sellers are known to see each other's comments about all buyers. If the buyer has won its popularity in that it constantly opens the disputes on trifles and wins them, then the rest of the sellers clearly think about it.

It is unlikely that such a buyer wants to contact, it will be easier to sell anything delicately, for example, saying that the goods have already ended.

Video: How to leave a review on "Aliexpress" to the seller and why do you need to do?

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