Why does Wi-Fi work on a laptop or phone?

Published by B. Android / Mobile Internet / Useful advice / Smartphones
4 Sep 2016.

This article will tell you about what to do if the WiFi wireless network does not work on your laptop or mobile phone.

This article will tell you about how to solve the problem, which is related to the inoperability of WiFi wireless network.

Nowadays, most users can no longer without the Internet, and the use of WiFi wireless network is very common worldwide. Some use this network using personal routers that are comfortable to wear in his pocket, walking down the street to enter the Internet is not labor.


But there are such cases when suddenly you could not connect to the WiFi network through your phone or laptop, this problem is not so frequent, but arises, and therefore most users are immediately trying to solve this problem, but they cannot define the cause of non-working WiFi. And in today's article we will tell about the most common causes, because of which WiFi may not work on your laptop or phone.

Why wifi does not work on a laptop?

Many laptop owners face this problem, and now we will look at the most common causes in which WiFi may not work. We will consider the most basic reasons that most likely coincide with your case, but notice that there are individual reasons for this problem that require specialist interventions.

WiFi does not work due to individual laptop settings

In most cases, the practice shows that users accidentally turn off the network card, and it is caused to fail to access Wi-Fi. Many laptop models are currently equipped with a function of forced disabling the network adapter, sometimes it happens by pressing a special button, which can be located with a laptop side or in any other unexpected place for you, but most often it is located next to the power button.


If you have not been able to define and understand where this button is located, then the best option will look into the instructions for using a laptop that comes in the kit when purchasing. When you still figured out and found this button, turned on a Wi-Fi adapter, the laptop must respond to it, the network operation indicator usually lights up.


And the antenna icon will appear in the lower right corner of the desktop.


Some laptop models require the installation of additional programs that will ensure the operation of the adapter in the laptop. Such programs also come complete with your laptop, and they are recorded on the disks.

Weak signal

What to do when you correctly set up Wi-Fi, turned on the adapter, made sure that everything works, but the Wi-Fi signal is still not. The answer is very simple, you are in the zone where the signal transmitted from the router to the laptop is very weak, or practically does not reach it. This happens when you are trying to connect to a Wi-Fi router, which is very far away, or cluttered with something, standing in another room.

The solution to this problem is very easy, you need to come closer to the installed router and maximize the obstacles, and try to connect again if the connection happened and the signal catches well, then you should think about changing the location of the router, closer to the Wi-Fi-used equipment.

Problem with drivers

Sometimes it also happens that the reason for non-working Wi-Fi on your laptop will be incorrect installation or no drivers on the network adapter. Very often, when users make Windows reinstalling on a laptop, forget to install some drivers, or at all are installed not what you need. And therefore the network card does not work, and thus you cannot connect to Wi-Fi.

How to find out the configured or installed Wi-Fi driver on your laptop. To do this, go to the control panel, then "Device Manager" find the "Network Adapters" section and there will be all your network cards that are connected to the laptop. For standard configuration, two cards will be displayed, the first regular Ethernet card, the second is usually responsible for the wireless network. As a rule, if drivers and adapter conflict are not installed, it will be displayed in the list with an exclamation mark.

In the search and installation of drivers on Wi-Fi, there is nothing terrible, and it is not necessary to scare it. Since the drivers can freely download on the Internet on the official sites of laptop manufacturers.

The easiest option, find out your model of the laptop and find the driver in search of Google.

Download and install will not be difficult, even for the most teapots. The program itself will install the driver, and you can only make a laptop restart, and after switching on you will see that Wi-Fi has earned, and now you can go online using a wireless network.

Malicious programs

Some Internet users do not notice how suspicious files download, and install them on a computer, thereby infecting their system with viruses. Most often it happens when the antivirus is not installed. But what to do, if suddenly Wi-Fi suddenly stopped working, the cause of which the virus became the striking system files that were responsible for the operation of the network.

You need to scan your computer for viruses using special utilities, such as a very popular utility in the search for malware Creatit Dr.Web.


Check your computer, and in case of virus detection, completely remove them from the computer.

After this operation, you should restart the computer, and in most cases, if the reason for non-working Wi-Fi on the laptop was a virus, then the problem is solved, and you can again use a wireless network.

Malfunction Wi-Fi Module in Laptop

Also, one of the reasons for non-working Wi-Fi on a laptop can become a failure of the module. This case is extremely rare, but still it is not necessary to reject and this reason, it is best to use all the above methods, and if not one of them does not help, then you should pay attention to this. It is not necessary to repair the module itself, it is best to attribute my laptop to a service center, where specialists themselves will make the exact cause of the failure and correct.


If you have a fairly old laptop, and the laptop model, the replacement of Wi-Fi module can be time consuming, as all necessary spare parts may be absent on the market. The best solution will become, to purchase a USB antenna Wi-Fi, which will be much cheaper than the repair of the module built-in laptop.

Network failures

Sometimes it is found that the reason is not working Wi-Fi lies on in the laptop itself, but in the network you are using. To confirm this fact, try to connect to the network using other devices that support the wireless network, such as a telephone or TV equipped with Wi-Fi function. If, in this case, none of the device is connected, then the problem lies in the provider itself or router. First of all, try to reboot the router, if it did not help, then adjust the router again.

Tuning the router is a separate story, and if you do not understand, it is better not to climb, but call the provider, it will instruct you how to configure you how to properly, and can also call the reason for the absence of an Internet connection. Since there are such cases when you need to configure the router and network equipment individually, and in this provider of Internet services should help you deal with this problem.

Why does not Wi-Fi work on the phone?

The most popular phones are equipped with an Android operating system and therefore we will look at the reasons for non-working Wi-Fi relating to these phones. It happens that Wi-Fi does not work on the phone or you cannot connect to the wireless network. Consider the most basic reasons and tell how to fix this problem.

The reasons due to which Wi-Fi may not work on the phone quite a lot, but we will look at the most basic and most common.

Incorrect date and time on the phone

One of such reasons that is very banal, but rarely encountered, it is incorrect setting up the date and time on the phone. Modern phones are equipped with an automatic time definition, but if you suddenly have this problem, there is no Wi-Fi connection, then most likely the reason lies in it.


How to configure the date on the phone, based on Android. This is done fairly easy, you need to go to "Settings" to select the "Date and Time" item and set the correct parameters, save and try to connect to Wi-Fi again.

Invalid password with WiFi authentication

It is often found that when the user used a certain Wi-Fi network for a very long time, and connected to it without problems, since the password was saved, or it was not at all. But now there is a situation when it does not connect to the Wi-Fi network, the first thing to check whether the password is on the network, or whether it changed it.


To do this, go to the Wi-Fi settings, find the profile to which you connect, highlight it and delete it. Re-connected using a new password if you know it, and if right, now you will automatically connect to the network.

There was a failure in the phone system

Sometimes it happens when the cause is not working Wi-Fi on the phone, namely on Android, is a software failure. How to solve this problem? It is very easy, you need to download a special utility that can be found in Play Market and download free, it is called Wi-Fi Fixer.


After installation, run the program, do not do any settings, the program will do everything itself. After starting the program, you can go to the "Known" tab, there are all connections that you ever do. Next you need to restart the phone, and if the problem is decided, you can connect to Wi-Fi.

Installing inappropriate firmware

Often Android users are trying to improve their phone, make it a bit unusual. And therefore, not official firmware, so-called custom. And often in these firmware there are errors and bugs that most often affect the operation of the radio modules of the phone, which cause no Wi-Fi efficiency and network connection errors.

The solution to this problem is only one, you need to return the standard firmware if you do not know how to do it, it is better to contact the specialists, and then in the wrong self-installing you can harm the phone.

Viruses on the phone

Like on computers, any virus can get to the phone, and some of them completely block the network. To eliminate this problem, you need to scan your phone for malicious programs, and you can do with the help of special utilities or built-in antivirus, if any.


In this article, we looked at the most common causes of non-working Wi-Fi on laptops and phones. Now you know, and familiar with the main reasons and their solutions. But do not forget that these methods do not always help, since the problem of non-working Wi-Fi can enroll in an individual approach to each equipment with Wi-Fi wireless network support.

Video: How to correct the problem for WiFi inoperability?

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