Payment system World: How to pay for the order of the Sberbank Main on Aliexpress? Does Aliexpress make a Card Sberbank World?

Published by B. Aliexpress
Aug 20, 2017.

The article describes how to pay the World Card on " Aliexpress».

In the Russian Federation, the payment system "is beginning to recruit its popularity. Peace" Many users who acquire goods mainly in online stores " Aliexpress"Are you interested, is it possible to pay orders on this resource with the help of bank cards" Peace"? Is it possible to safely register on " Aliexpress"And constantly use further? Talk about it in our review.


Payment system WORLD How to pay the order of the Sberbank card World on AliExpress is taking an Aliexpress Card Sberbank World

Bank card "Peace"

Bank cards " Peace»We are produced in the Russian Federation for reliable smooth payment of payments in any crisis situation. If earlier such cards could be used only when you dealt with Russian " Aeroflot"Now now the online store" Aliexpress"Began to accept Peace"As a payment agent.

« Aliexpress"Of course, it makes it possible to pay for goods in completely different ways, but such a measure has been accepted for Russian clients to make orders to take place with maximum comfort.

How to pay orders for "Aliexpress" with the help of "Peace" cards?

Nowadays, it is not at all excluded that the Russian Federation can completely abandon foreign payment systems, going to the domestic. This will mean that the map " Peace"It will be the only bank card that can be enjoyed in Russia. In addition, this card is already used with hunting, it is also produced for people of retirement age.


Payment system WORLD How to pay the order of the Sberbank card World on AliExpress is taking an Aliexpress Card Sberbank World

« Aliexpress"- a good market for the Russian buyer, so the online store will be only glad to make another concession to its regular customers. And this concession is the possibility of using the map " Peace"Moreover, other trading platforms have not thought before.

So, how to pay the card " Peace" on the " Aliexpress"? Let us provide a brief instruction:

  • Go to " Aliexpress"And how usually choose the goods you need
  • Select order settings and click on the button " Buy now»

Payment system WORLD How to pay the order of the Sberbank card World on AliExpress is taking an Aliexpress Card Sberbank World

  • Then you will go to the design of your order. Check all the data again and click on " Confirm and pay»

Payment system WORLD How to pay the order of the Sberbank card World on AliExpress is taking an Aliexpress Card Sberbank World

  • In a window with a proposal to choose payment methods, select a bank card and then fill in all the details of your card " Peace", As shown in the screenshot.

Payment system WORLD How to pay the order of the Sberbank card World on AliExpress is taking an Aliexpress Card Sberbank World

After this, the actions can be considered that your purchase with the help of the " Peace"Done.

Video: World Maps will take in Aliexpress


comments 4. Add a comment

  • ALI does not accept the world map, there is a hub, and no payment

  • Ali does not accept the map world, there are in the list, and no payment

  • Ali is just the payment of the world map, but the Bank refuses to conduct an operation. Will there be a solution for some or not?

  • Ali is just the payment of the world map, but Sberbank refuses to conduct an operation. Will the solution be any or not ?? !!!

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