Oscilloscope for car diagnostics on Aliexpress: Review, catalog, price

Published by B. Aliexpress
31 Dec 2016.

In this article we will discuss how to choose and buy an oscilloscope for car diagnostics on Aliexpress.

Diagnostic automotive equipment is designed to quickly detect faults in the vehicle. We will discuss such devices as oscilloscopes. You can find them in the online store Aliexpress.

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Catalog of Oscilloscopes for Aliexpress

Catalog of Osizlographers for Aliexpress

Catalog of Osizlographers for Aliexpress

The oscilloscope is called such a device that shows the voltage shape in time. In addition, it allows you to measure the voltage, current, frequency, and phase shift angle. But the most important feature of the device is the ability to observe the signal form.

The choice of a new oscilloscope is a rather difficult task, since today there are many models in the market. All of them are divided into two types - analog and digital.

An analog oscilloscope is characterized by the fact that it does not have noise, which has a digital nature, namely the noise of the ADC. It is shown in the form of a stepped oscillogram on digital devices. If you need an accurate signal, the analog device is for you.

As for digital oscilloscopes, their advantages are as follows:

  • Portable and small
  • Basic bandwidth
  • You can measure a single signal
  • The interface is easy to handle
  • You can do measurements on the screen
  • Display Color
  • You can store and print data
  • There is the ability to digital signal processing
  • Digital filter is applied to the signals.

See catalog

How to choose, order and buy a USB oscilloscope for car diagnostics on Ali Spress?

USB oscilloscope

USB oscilloscope

Computer technology oscilloscope, or USB oscilloscopes, are becoming increasingly popular, as they are much cheaper than ordinary. Thanks to the use of the computer, you get a large color screen, a quick processor, the ability to store information on disk and work on the keyboard. Another great advantage is quick exports to the spreadsheet.

Today, among such devices, you can meet real universals. They accommodate not only the oscilloscope, but also a digital analyzer, signal generator in arbitrary form and a digital sequence generator.

Although, if you compare device data with conventional autonomous devices, their characteristics are significantly inferior.

See catalog

Video: Excellent digital oscilloscope Hantek DSO5102P at a bargain price

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