Exchange of an old phone on a new one with a surcharge in a connected - a promotion of recycling: Conditions

Published by B. Svyaznoy
Jan 24, 2017.

Article on the conditions and rules for the recycling of old phones in the "connected".

Score "Svyaznoy" I decided to support the good tradition of large supermarkets of digital and connected techniques, running the share of disposal.
The meaning of the action lies in the fact that the talked of his age, the technique can be passed into specialized containers in "Svyaznoy", After receiving bonuses for the purchase of new gadgets. The store support companies that are fighting for the ecology, transmitting technical traffs for waste recycling organizations. Tradition is useful for the store and for buyers.


Phones that were in operation

Conditions for buyers

The name of the action behavior in previous years, says itself, "Bring an old gadget for disposal, get a new gadget with a 17% discount."
Conditions and rules:

  • telephones, smartphones, tablets of any brand are accepted, any brand is a manufacturer who are in operation in legal owners.
  • used devices must be complete.
  • act of reception - telephone transmission signs both sides involved in shares.
  • owners of old gadgets receive a percentage of discount on new models and accessories of a specific category available in the presence of a store.
  • owners are issued a check for a new purchase.
  • discount is provided to one participant, one purchase.

Scheme of action for the buyer

  • brings the old phone to one of the reception items.
  • sign the necessary documents, get a discount.
  • order in the online store or in the electronic directory a new device taking into account bonus interest.

The purpose of the action

  • attracting new buyers.
  • increase sales.
  • solving environmental issues.

The recycling action is not a lottery.

Over the past year, the shares of this kind were successfully held in Moscow. In the future, the company "Svyaznoy", It is planned to conduct such events in other cities of the Russian Federation.

The period of the action can be traced on the store's website. "Svyaznoy", in the media, in newspapers, on the Internet, in social networks. Telephone for complete information on promotion issues 8 (800) 700 5000, It works 24 hours a day, a challenge is free.
At the moment, the recycling stock does not hold, but everything is ahead! Stay aware of events!

Video: Advertising phones from the store "Svyaznoy"

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  • Phone microwave334d in working condition just a little memory

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