Unable to open a Word document: Writes an error. Why the Word gives an error while trying to open the file, what to do?

Published by B. Microsoft Office.
March 8, 2018.

The article will tell how to solve the problem if the document "Word" does not open.

Software package " Microsoft Office.»Won its popularity among users thanks to the capabilities provided and high-quality work. But nevertheless with him, as with any other software, there are certain problems.

For example, sometimes users encounter a problem when it is not possible to open " Word.»Document, despite the fact that this file has recently opened normally.

It would be Polbie, if there was no important information in the document. In any case, such a problem must be solved, and in this review we will talk, why the document does not come off " Word 2007/2010/2013/2016"And gives an error.


Document "Word 2007/2010/2013/2013/2016" does not come off and issues an error

Why does not open the document "Microsoft Word", and what is this error?

When the document " Word."Does not open, we see the corresponding pop-up window with an error alert on the screen. As a rule, the system tells us that the file is damaged and it cannot be discovered. But in fact, the file may not open for this reason. There may be several reasons here, for example, the following:

  • In the document " Word.»There is a huge number of different drawings, tables, formulas, and an error may arise due to the fact that the text editor did not understand their codes. Perhaps they were saved incorrectly, and the program does not understand what needs to be discovered.
  • Document " Word."Before the opening attempt was saved in an incorrect format
  • You tried to open the document " Word.»A newer version using a textual editor of an older version (in particular with the help" Word 2003."). In this case, you just need to update your " Word.».
  • «Word."Does not open dubious documents downloaded from the Internet

How to solve the problem if the document "Word" does not open?

Now consider several ways as we can fix this error.

We restore the document using "Microsoft Word"

Text editor " Word.»Can help us fix a damaged document and reveal it. If you have a problem with the opening of the document " Word."In initially try to correct the problem in the following way:

  • Close the window with an error alert
  • Run " Word." through " Start»Or the shortcut on the desktop (or in the folder where the program is installed).
  • Click up on " File", Then click on the left menu on" Open", Then - on" Overview"And we find the computer that document that does not open. But just do not open it!
  • We allocate this document
  • Now in the window through which we were looking for a file, click on the black arrow (as shown in the screenshot) near the button " Open" In the drop-down list, click on " Open and restore».

In the drop-down list, click on "Open and Restore"

After these operations, the document must be disclosed. But keep in mind that at the same time it may have certain changes made in the recovery process. Press " Show corrections"And you will see what has been changed. So you can fix these changes. Next, save the document.

But, if the method described above does not help you, then we will act with other methods.

We restore the document using backup converter

Backup converter comes with a package " Microsoft Office." If you do not have a complete package, or there are no additional components, then install the converter separately (using the settings " Microsoft Office."), As is done, you can learn on the Internet.

So do the following:

  • Run " Word.", As in the previous case (in the installation folder, label or through" Start»)
  • Go to " FileOpenOverview»
  • In the window that opens " Explorer»From above buttons" Cancel"And" Open"There will be a drop-down list, click on it, after which the list will open.
  • Select " Restore text from any file"And through the same window, open the document you need.

Select "Restore text from any file" and through the same window Open the document you need

After that, the document must open. But if the problem appears again, and with a new opening of the document there will be an error associated with the corruption of the table in the document, do the following. Highlight this table and go to the toolbar. TableTransformTable in text».

Change the secure viewing settings

If you did not help the above options, then consider another method. It happens that the program " Word."Does not disclose the documents that were taken from the Internet. This is due to the fact that " Word."Protects us from disclosing unknown documents. If you are confident that this document does not contain viruses, then you can use this method.

We will disable protection:

  • Run " Word.", We go to" FileParameters»
  • In the settings window that opens, go to " Security Management CenterSecurity Management Center ParametersProtected view».
  • Clean the daws from all points and click on " OK" If this is not helping to open the document you need " Word.", Then refund all settings back.

Remove the daws from all points and click on "OK"

Remove the add-in "Word"

If you do not open one or another document " Word."In some cases, the editor itself is the cause of the problem, or rather its superstructure. These superstructures need to be removed, and for this we do the following:

  • Run " Word.", After which the notification should jump out that an error occurred at the previous startup, and you will be asked to go to the program in safe mode. We agree to this (click on " OK»).
  • Next, go to " FileParametersSuperstructure»
  • At the bottom of the opened window, click on " Go»
  • In a new window, we put the daws opposite all the items represented and click " OK»

At the bottom of the window that opened, click on "Go"

We restore the document format

Often the document " Word."It does not open, because at the previous preservation of it assigned it an incorrect format (or simply mistaken when entering the name, fixing the expansion). Here you can correct the error by appointing the correct format: " .docx" or " .doc"After the name of the document.

But the document may be damaged, so we will act a little differently:

  • Create an empty document " Word."And at the end of his name I write" .rar"That is, we transform it to the archive.
  • Now exactly also transform into the archive of our damaged document, on the end of the title mentioned characters.
  • We will reveal both archives and postpone all the information from damaged to the new created
  • Next, we retain a new archive with the information transferred and transform it again into the document " Word.", Writing at the end" .docx».
  • Next, run the document, after which the editor can suggest restore information

We will reveal both archives and postpone all the information from damaged to the new created

Video: Word error when trying to open the file

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