Do not work "geolocation services" after the iOS jailbreak 9.3.3: how to enable on iPhone or iPad

Published by B. iOS.
September 22, 2016.

Let's discuss the question - why geolocation does not work after the jailbreak on iOS 9.3.3

Why is the iPhone geolocation icon constantly burning?

With each new version of the jailbreak there are many bugs, which are subsequently corrected. Jailbreak from iOS 9.3.3 is also not an exception: the problem has caused the problem in the work of geolocation.

Consider several ways to help restore the work of geolocation after jailbreak.

Method 1. Installing LIBLOCATION from Cydia

Why does not geolocation work after jailbreak?

Why does not geolocation work after jailbreak?

This package is a library requiring third-party programs to use GPS. All users claim that the problem disappears as the package will be installed.

  • Open Cydia and open the " Search«
  • Lay " lIBLOCATION"And download it. If you do not find it, go to the section " Amendments"And select" Update«
  • Select " Installation"Right up, and then confirm your decision

When everything is ready, do " Respin»Devices and disconnect" Geolocation". If geolocation does not work anyway, then try the second method.

Method 2. Reset network settings

How to set up geolocation after jailbreak?

How to set up geolocation after jailbreak?

  • Open " basic settings"And select" Reset«
  • Next you need " Reset Settings Network". Delete in this case only network parameters
  • Restart your smartphone and try activate " Geolocation services"And make sure they really work

Method 3. Reboot and repeated hacking

Problems with geolocation after jailbreak

Problems with geolocation after jailbreak

Restart the phone to reset the jailbreak.

  • Open the program " Pp jailbreak«
  • Click in a circle and turn on " Screen lock"To start the installation process of the jailbreak
  • The phone during the operation must be blocked
  • At the end of the process, an automatic reboot will be executed

These methods help to return the geolocation efficiency. If you follow the actions exactly according to the instructions, then geolocation will work even with jailbreak.

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