MTS - Virtual Manager: How to enter?

Published by B. MTS services
19 Nov 2016.

Recently, MTS presented a new service for corporate clients - "Virtual Manager". What is it and how to use it?

On the today's day services self-service in internet become everything more popular. Excellent example is an access to personal cabinet, which the provided all operators communication. Here you you can to govern their number without necessity visits office and calls in reference services.

Virtual MTS Manager

Virtual MTS Manager

TO example, MTS allows to govern tariffs and services, order details conversation, but also control costs through the Internet.

Now like service designed and for corporate customers. For them operator created system "Virtual Manager".

general information

« Virtual manager» from MTS is an system, where can to govern rooms, answer corporateas rule, this is large enterprises from big number employees. Besides togo, not necessary to everything rooms were received in one region.

For big enterprises such service highly useful, special if a w. them there is branches in different mesal Russia. Tracking per rooms can realize total one human. His enough have right access to system.

Interface service plain, so understand principle work will be not difficult to each commissioner employee. Specifically on the comfortable using and was made emphasis for creation « Virtual manager».

What opportunities are there any "virtual manager"?

The capabilities of the Virtual Manager MTS

The possibilities of the "Virtual Manager" MTS

So, the main possibilities "Virtual Manager" are:

  • Eachdy number, registered on the one company, can to govern in framework united personal cabinet. Change tarifa, addition and removal services, work from rooms of others regions without necessity create for eVERY separate personal cabinet. More togo, can follow per location self workers through «MTS locator«, what sometimes it happens useful.
  • P olchenia detailed detailsnow not needs constantly come in office and idle in queues, to receive everything necessary data. All information by corporate accounts you you can receive straight from worker computer and print. Thus way, economy lot of time.
  • If a required, that can to order new simmap, again same without appeals in office.
  • Remote lock rooms, manual or by schedule.
  • Simultaneous connection one of services at once on the everything rooms. Data operations available for all regions.
  • Authorized employee it has right on the creature additional custom right and control imi.
  • Simultaneous connection of one of the services at all of all rooms. These operations are available for all regions.
  • If you need to change one of the phone numbers now, do not need to contact the operator's office. To do this, you can also use the personal account.
  • It is worth saying that the management of them occurs through a special protected communication channel, which is important to protect personal information.

How to enter the "Virtual Manager"?

Virtual MTS-entry manager

"Virtual Manager" MTS-Entrance

  • Log in is located on this link.
  • Immediately after entering authorization data, you will get to the main page of the Service Cabinet, where you can start immediately control the numbers.
  • When working with this assistant, it is worth knowing that each action is fixed on special equipment, because the operator removes responsibility for customer errors.

How to connect a "virtual manager"?

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