MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
December 3, 2016.

The article describes how to search for products in the MTS online store.

Online store " MTS"Is another convenient service mobile operator" MTS»For your subscribers. Here you can buy not only SIM cards, but also products of the most different categories: tablets, smartphones, mobile phones, televisions, modems, players, routers, accessories for phones and more.

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MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

Working with the site is very convenient, the search for goods and the design of orders will not cause much work at the average Internet user. Principle of operation of the online store " MTS"Not much different from similar sites. In this review we will talk, as you should use the search in the online store " MTS"And sort goods.

How to use search and sorting of goods in the MTS online store?

If you wish to purchase goods in the online store " MTS"To begin with, you should learn to use the search for goods on this site. Imagine all this in the screenshots:

  • To start, go to the online store " MTS»
  • In the upper left corner, choose your area of \u200b\u200baccommodation, for example, " Moscow and Moscow region" This is necessary in order for the search engine to display exactly the goods that you can purchase at the moment in the stores " MTS"Located directly in your city.

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

  • Next, in the top, we can see the search string where the items you need to enter the names of the goods you need. We will impose here, for example, " phones"And click on the button" To find».

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

  • After that, at the bottom of the site, the system will give us a list of products suitable for our request. Here we can see how many items we found. In our case, they are 16.

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

  • The page can be spilled down, as well as move from one to another standard method. If desired, you can click on " Show all"So that the site brought all the products found on one page at once.

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

  • In addition, the goods can be sorted into one or two columns by clicking on the corresponding icons at the top of the list.

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

But if we are not satisfied with the list of found items, or if we found not what we need (for example, instead of mobile phones a list of smartphones was displayed), then we can go to another way:

  • At the top of the site there are four sections: " Catalog», « Tariffs and SIM cards», « Special offers», « MTS website».

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

  • Waving a mouse to the section " Catalog", And see the drop-down list with all categories of goods that are currently on the site.

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

  • Introduce a mouse, for example, to the item " Tablets"And we will see the new list with the names of the brands according to this category of goods.

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

  • Select from the list, say, firm " Apple."And we will bring us to a new page with products (tablets) of this manufacturer. In addition to the fact that we see a wider list (48) of the goods we need, a special filter can also be observed on the left side of the site.

MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

Thanks to the specified filter, we can already sort and filter products according to their different parameters:

  • By price
  • By manufacturer
  • On the screen diagonally
  • According to the operating system
  • By the presence of a rear and front camera
  • By screen resolution
  • In the processor frequency and so on

Choosing, thus, the necessary parameters will be easier for us to find the thing we need. As soon as we ask the necessary request, for example, the price range of the goods, the system will show how many products that meet this request are available. And also here will need to click on " Show"To see this list.


MTS: How does the search for the site and the sort of goods work?

We wish you successful shopping!

Video: "Smartphones in MTS: large screens, favorable price"


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