MTS - a guarantee on the phone and service. Repair and refund of phones in the online store MTS under warranty

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
December 4, 2016.

The article describes the procedure for returning a phone for warranty in the MTS online store.

In the online store " MTS»Buyers will find a lot of mobile devices that can satisfy all their tastes and preferences. But it also happens that the purchased smartphone will be either faulty or not corresponding to the characteristics declared in the description.

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MTS - a guarantee on the phone and service. Repair and refund of phones in the online store MTS under warranty

What to do in the case when the purchased goods do not suit us at all? Is it possible to register the phone in the online store " MTS"According to warranty documents? Let's talk about it in more detail in our review.

Warranty service in the online store "MTS"

Any purchased instrument in any store should have a warranty period during which, for example, a mobile device must work properly and without complaints. If within the specified period, the device has failed not in your fault, then according to the laws of the Russian Federation, the buyer has the right to return it to the store. This applies to the online store " MTS».

We learn what guarantees provide the specified store.

On the website of the online store " MTS"(You can go on this link) We can find out everything that interests us about this. It indicates that the online store " MTS"Gives all its guarantees to comply with the rights of consumers, which are indicated in the relevant Law of the Russian Federation (" On Consumer Protection»).


MTS - a guarantee on the phone and service. Repair and refund of phones in the online store MTS under warranty

What goods cannot be returned to the MTS online store under warranty?

If you bought, for example, the phone in the online store " MTS", Then it may not be subject to the terms of warranty and service in the event that this device has failed, or one or another defect was caused for reasons not specified in the warranty contract. That is, rudely speaking, if you are guilty of the phone, you yourself, or guilt directly from the online store " MTS"In this case, no.

Warranty and service of goods of the company Apple

If you purchased phones and other devices from the company in the online store " Apple."The warranty period for these goods will be one year from the date of purchase.

Service and consultations on the exploitation of these goods guarantees the company " MTS" For service issues, one or another repair, etc. related to warranty obligations, you can contact the salon " MTS"In which this product was purchased. For more detailed information on this call on the phone - 88002500505.

Warranty and service of goods of the company "Research in Motion"

Warranty service of goods from the company " Research in Motion."Fully complies with the conditions described above. The warranty period for these goods is one year. Return a defective device or require the service for warranty you can in the store " MTS"Where the goods were purchased. Call for all questions followed by number - 88002500505.

Warranty and service maintenance of goods produced by order of MTS company

Products manufactured by order of the company " MTS»Have a refund or service warranty for one year. Moreover, one or another product can be made of different parts, each of which, in turn, can have a warranty period.

Thus, the warranty period may be:

  • One year for any mobile device and various accessories purchased by the buyer separately either with the device.
  • For half a year for accessories to which include: Chargers, headphones, battery, covers, stands, cables.
  • Three months for software on CDs and other media

Buyer can bring a phone number, smartphone and other mobile device for repair or service to that store " MTS"Where the goods were purchased. For more information, you can call a free number - 88002500505.

Return of goods in the online store "MTS" outside the warranty service


MTS - a guarantee on the phone and service. Repair and refund of phones in the online store MTS under warranty

You can return the goods to the online store. " MTS"Out of the framework of the above warranty agreement under certain conditions. In the online store " MTS"On a given link We can see the following information:

  • The buyer can return the purchased goods within a month if, for example, the mobile device was not in operation, did not receive any damage and defects. In other words, the goods must be able to fully suitable for sale.
  • The goods can be returned if its packaging, manual, checks and all other documents also remained in a completely saved form.
  • Mobile devices from the company " Apple."Whose OS was not activated
  • Mobile devices that were sold without SIM cards can also be returned to the store. " MTS»
  • Return the product can any individual

When complying with all the conditions described above, you can return the goods to the salons " MTS"In which they were acquired (if the goods were delivered by the courier, then you can return it to any store" MTS»).

Video: How to return the defective phone


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