Is it possible to pay the goods to Aliexpress by credit card? Payment of the order Aliexpress by credit card: instruction

Published by B. Aliexpress
21 Jun 2017.

The article describes how to pay online products on " Aliexpress».

Online store " Aliexpress."It has great popularity in the world. An increasing number of people, including from Russia, are registered on this resource to implement profitable purchases. New users are interested in how to pay for goods on " Aliexpress.»?


Is it possible to pay the goods to Aliexpress by a credit card payment of the order AliExpress by credit card instruction

Pay orders for " Aliexpress.»You can in various ways. In one article, we will not be able to give detailed instructions for each payment method, too much text will take it. In this review, we will disassemble one of the favorable payment options and talk about how to pay for goods on " Aliexpress."Using a credit card (" Sberbank"," T inicoff" etc.).

What is the advantage of "Aliexpress" when paying for goods?

To begin with the question. Creators " Aliexpress.»Developed your project so that it is most convenient for users. You do not have to pay an extra commission, there is also no need to convert. You can simply register on the site, find the right product and pay for it online.


Is it possible to pay the goods to Aliexpress by a credit card payment of the order AliExpress by credit card instruction

It is worth noting that on " Aliexpress.»We work sellers from different countries, as well as buyers. Sellers take money for sold goods after buyers will receive them in hand and check for compliance with the description.

Meanwhile, as the client pays the goods, and when the parcel comes to intend, funds are on " Aliexpress." This is one of the key advantages of the store.

How to pay for a credit card on Aliexpress?

For converting currency banks can take a big commission, but on " Aliexpress.»It is possible to choose a currency in which the cost of goods will be displayed. You can also choose the country to which delivery will be carried out.

When the currency is selected, the task is simplified to pay for goods by credit cards. The fact is that " Aliexpress."Does not wind any commission when conversion - it simply sets the score, for example, in rubles, if you are from Russia. But banks, in turn, will be removed from your ruble card a certain percentage if you pay it a bill in dollars.

Therefore, you need to assimilate that if you wish to pay for orders for " Aliexpress."Using a credit card, then in advance, select the monetary units in which the cost of goods in the online store will be displayed. If you have a credit card ruble, all accounts for goods should also be in rubles. Thus, you get rid of the unnecessary commissions.

Now let's talk about how to pay for goods on " Aliexpress.»With credit cards:

  • Choose the goods you like

Is it possible to pay the goods to Aliexpress by a credit card payment of the order AliExpress by credit card instruction

  • On the product description page, click on " Buy now»

Is it possible to pay the goods to Aliexpress by a credit card payment of the order AliExpress by credit card instruction

  • Fill in all the necessary data that will require the system. Be very careful. Carefully enter your address, since it will be a parcel with a commodity. Specify the phone number and email address through which you can contact you anyway on the purchase issue.

Is it possible to pay the goods to Aliexpress by a credit card payment of the order AliExpress by credit card instruction

  • After filling out all the data, you will find yourself on the payment method of payment. There will be different options: electronic money, through the phone, bank cards, and so on.

Is it possible to pay the goods to Aliexpress by a credit card payment of the order AliExpress by credit card instruction

Now let's tell you what is shown at the last screenshot:

  • First you need to select the type of your card you want to pay. Online store accepts credit and debit cards " Maestro.», “ Mastercard”, “Visa.”.
  • Next, you specify the details of your card: the name and surname (the same symbols, like on the front side), the card number, the expiration date, three last numbers on the reverse side of the card.

It is worth noting that if after the parcel with the goods arrive at your address, and your purchase will be bad quality, then you have the right to return your money. If you paid the goods to " Aliexpress.»Credit card, then the return of funds will be implemented on this map.

You can also add that if you want to get more benefits when shopping on " Aliexpress.", Use the credit card" Tinkoff Aliexpress." You will receive a 5% discount from each purchase (or rather you will return to the map of 5% of the amount of goods).

Is it possible to pay the goods to Aliexpress by a credit card payment of the order AliExpress by credit card instruction

Video: How to pay for an order for Aliexpress through a map?

Video: How to buy on Aliexpress website? (brief instruction)


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