Is it possible to use Vatsap on two phones?

Published by B. Useful advice
23 Oct 2018.

The article will tell you how to install one WATSAP account on two phones.

For many reasons, some people need to go under their account " Whatsapp»On two different gadgets. If we study the official rules of the developer of this messenger, we learn that it is not possible to carry out such operations.

Install one WATSAP account for two smartphones

Install one WATSAP account for two smartphones

But nevertheless, users are interested, can I use Vatsap on two phones? Is it possible if you use certain legitimate methods? Let's talk about it in our review.

Two ways to install one WhatsApp account on two gadgets

When the developers of a program or another, the devices do not provide any additional opportunities for the use of their product, third-party programmers come to help. We often download them and install on our gadgets. Below we give two options as you can enter two devices with one Vatsap.

Fashion first

Install one WATSAP account for two smartphones

Install one WATSAP account for two smartphones

The easiest way that does not require any additional screenshots when studying the instructions. We need a computer. In this situation, we will use the Web interface " Whatsapp" Simply put, we will use the browser version, which is practically no different from the original mobile. To do this, do the following:

  • Go to your computer, run the browser version of the VATSAP to bind your mobile application to PC.
  • Run the watzap on the phone or two phones
  • Go to the application settings and find " Whatsapp Web.»
  • Hover the camera on the computer monitor where the graphic code is displayed.
  • Next will go the authorization process on a mobile device, after which you can use VatsaP.

Method of the second

We now turn to a more complex method that requires at least initial knowledge in the field of software. But we will give detailed instructions.

First you need to get administrator rights on your phone. This will give you the opportunity to use all system files in the operating system of the phone, which will help us with further actions.

If you do not know how to receive administrator rights, then download and install the appropriate application for inexperienced users on the gadget. This application will automatically give you administrator rights on the phone. We recommend, for example, download here.

But that's not all. You will need another application so that you can go with one WATSAP account on two gadgets (about it below). So, after you get administrator rights, it will be possible to start further steps. Our task is to duplicate an account from the first phone (where VATSAP is installed and administrator rights are obtained) to the second. We do the following:

  • Download and install this attachment on two of your phones

Install one WATSAP account for two smartphones


Install one WATSAP account for two smartphones

  • In the first phone copy data " Whatsapp»
  • Next, transfer this data to another phone, namely to the folder " Titanium Backup."(The application that we just installed).
  • We go into this folder, pass along the way " Batch dataRestore missing data"And find" Whatsapp"(Which has just copied here).
  • We put a tank opposite " BY+data"And, in the end, transfer the label" Whatsapp»To the main screen for convenience. After that, we will be able to use VatsaP on two phones.

Video: How to use one WhatsApp account on two devices?

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