Coins AlExpress: how to win, exchange for coupons, goods?

Published by B. Useful advice
5 Oct 2016.

The article describes how to receive coins on " Aliexpress", As well as how to spend them.

If you want to start winning coins in the online store " Aliexpress.", And also skillfully use them, first you need to know what these coins are and what they say, they are" eating ".

In this review we will discuss what coins are from " Aliexpress."How to earn them and what you can spend them.

Coins from "Aliexpress"

Coins on " Aliexpress.»Have all the classical signs of currency belonging directly to this site and" walking "by its expanses.

We list the characteristics of these coins:

  • Coins on " Aliexpress.»Not issued in physically and are only a virtual conditional unit.
  • Coins on " Aliexpress.»Are not output from the site" Aliexpress."And can be applied and earned only within the framework of this Internet resource.
  • Coins on " Aliexpress.»Do not bind to national currencies: rubles, dollars, pounds sterling and so on.
  • Coins on " Aliexpress.»Have a definite privilege, which is appointed by the online store administration" Aliexpress.", And this is their main purpose.

How to win coins on Aliexpress?

If you have already understood what coins are from " Aliexpress.", Then turn to the question, how to earn them.

Win (so it will be more accurate) coins on " Aliexpress."It will be necessary to periodically and painstakingly, working every day with a special program (shown in the figure) from" Aliexpress." You will need to click on a specific virtual button (" Start"), After which the process of obtaining coins will be launched.


Coins AlExpress: how to win, exchange for coupons, goods?

The main thing is that you need to know, the actions described must be done constantly, daily, not missing a single day. The fact is that, the longer and without "skills" you will click on the specified button, the more you will receive coins.

But if you miss at least one day, relax, then the system will return to the initial position when you have to earn again from one coin.

Remember that coins can be obtained once a day that are on " Aliexpress.", By the way, start at 10:00 Moscow time.

And you will receive coins as follows (subject to exemplary following rules):

  • First day - 1 coin
  • Second day - 5 coins
  • Third day - 8 coins and so on

A week later, the system will throw for fifteen coins, and in a month you must earn a few hundred coins. But if on 29 days of your work you "prohable" and do not click on the desired button, then from the next day you will start earning from one coin again. Do not forget this, we even highlight this rule in a separate framework.

How to exchange coins from "Aliexpress" for coupons?


Coins AlExpress: how to win, exchange for coupons, goods?

If you have already learned how to win coins on " Aliexpress."I'll start spending them already.

Coins from " Aliexpress.»You can change the coupons. To do this, there is no need to run throughout the site - coupons are sold straight in the same window in which you worked to get coins.

True, in this case it also did not cost without rules. Every day you can exchange only a certain number of coins on coupons, and you can only update quotas from 10:00 in Moscow.

That is, you will have every morning at 10:00 to be alert and have time to exchange this number of coins on this number of coupons that will end in minutes.

If you do not have time to do this, then you need to get up hours at 9:00 and to ten in the morning cheerfully proceed to the exchange.

How to exchange coins from "Aliexpress" on goods?

Coins from " Aliexpress.»You can also exchange for full-fledged goods. In other words, just buy the goods to which you have enough of these coins. But the site " Aliexpress."It will not be estimated that this purchase is not different as an exchange, although you should still have anyway.

So, buy / exchange the goods for coins from " Aliexpress.»You can again on strict rules.

The main severity of these rules is in the ability to take a gadget in the hands in time, otherwise you are again "disturbing" anything significant. It is also the case here, as well as coupons, and with the coins themselves. But the goods you buy instantly.

We give the rules " Aliexpress.»For the exchange of coins for goods:

  • Coins will be written off instantly After the process of placing the order.
  • When exchanging coins on goods It is also necessary to list in the account Aliexpress.»1 cent.
  • 1 product can be obtained For the appropriate coins only 1 time.
  • When canceling orderOr at the initiation of exchange, the coins are not returned.
  • After the exchange of coins You will need to accurately note the size, color and amount of goods (also other characteristics) for goods and designing the order.

That's basically it. If after reading this review, you counted that behind the coins still should go to " Aliexpress."I wish you good luck and do not forget to get up on time!

Video: Lifehak: How to get free Coupons on Aliexpress?

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