Router and router: Difference

Published by B. Useful advice
2 Sep 2018.

Description of the difference between the router and the router, also a few tips for choosing a network device.

Many users of personal computers that are connected to one of the Internet providers are familiar with such terms as " router"And" router" Almost every person can say with the go that both of these devices are responsible for distributing the Internet at once several PCs, tablets and smartphones, but to answer, which is not any difference between them. In our article you will learn what the router differs from the router and which one is best to choose for home use.

Image 1. What is the difference between the router and the router?

Image 1. What is the difference between the router and the router?

Router and router: Difference

  • In order not to go around and about and not to enter the reader in error, it is worth saying right away that there is absolutely no difference between the router and router. Both names are applied to the same device and are synonyms, the use of which depends on the user's conversational preferences.
  • It's no secret that the Russian language is very rich and in many centuries managed to absorb a large number of foreign words. Exception not and the word " router", Which is just the word transliteration" router."That English is literally translated as" router" This is the main reason for the occurrence of confusion in inexperienced users when choosing a network device.
  • However, the so-called "advanced experts", which often lead to disputes on the topic, how to correct this network device are made to contribute to making confusion. According to some mandatory attribute of the router, the availability of the ability to connect to the network via Wi-Fi access point, while the router functions are limited and allowed to enter the network solely through specialized cables.
Image 2. How does the router work?

Image 2. How does the router work?

  • The second persistently claim that the router is a small home-use device, and the router refers to serious equipment, which is used in large IT companies, has a greater power and the presence of a larger number of ports for connecting.
  • In any case, if you decide to purchase a device for distribution of the Internet, then it is not worth relying on the opinion of the above-listed "experts". It is best to contact a really sensible specialist who can help choose your device for the necessary goals. If you do not have such a familiar specialist, you can independently examine information about routers and routers on the Internet, and on the basis of it to choose the device suitable for you.

What router, router choose?

Image 3. How to choose a router or router?

Image 3. How to choose a router or router?

As mentioned earlier, the names " router"And" router»Are synonyms used to the same device, which is a specialized mini-computer. Its main and only assignment is the process of transferring data packets from one network to another. Routers or routers differ among themselves some number of functional features. There are models for both home use and models for organizations of various types of orientation. Most often routers are different:

  • Presence and distinctive characteristics of Wi-Fi modules;
  • The number of connectors for connecting network cables and data rate;
  • The presence of a GSM module;
  • Support diverse network connection standards;
  • The stability of the connection and operation of the device as a whole;

In fact, there are many differences between different models from different manufacturers, which in one way or another affect the quality of network connection and the stability of the device. The article lists only the most important of them, which, first of all, it is worth paying attention when buying a router.

  • Before purchasing a router or router, you should clearly decide and decide for what purposes you need this device. From this will directly depend on the cost of the acquired device and its functionality. If you need access to the Internet from a personal computer or smartphone to visit social surfing networks of a variety of sites, then for this purpose a budget version of the device from manufacturers is quite suitable D-Link or ASUS.that stand in the area 1000 – 1500 rubles.
  • Such devices do not have any special qualities and their functionality fully corresponds to their price. However, for a person who does not need anything other than Facebook, online games and communication on Skype such a device is quite suitable.
Image 4. Budget version of the D-Link DIR-300 router.

Image 4. Budget version of the D-Link DIR-300 router.

  • If you need a stable and powerful home network, and the main task of the device will ensure maximum performance for downloads from file hosting, torrents, supporting your own game server, connecting digital TV and other interactive services, we recommend looking at devices from manufacturers Zyxel Keenetic, TP-LINK. and ASUS.whose cost begins from 3 000 And ends 8 000 rubles. Buying the device more expensive - a waste of money.
  • We recommend paying attention to devices equipped with three and more antennas and supporting the range in 5 GHz. These devices are not much more expensive than classic dupping, but they are able to provide the transfer rate from 300 Mbps and higher. In addition, the radius of Wi-Fi is significantly wider, and the hardware filling is quite capable of providing the maximum speed provided by your provider. Also, at most models of this type there are additional USB ports, a built-in print server, SIP client and other useful functions.
Image 5. Powerful Zyxel Keenetic Giga KN-1010 router.

Image 5. Powerful Zyxel Keenetic Giga KN-1010 router.

  • What kind of model you choose, it is difficult to say, since there are quite a lot of them and everyone has their advantages and disadvantages. However, deciding with the main purpose of the device and possessing a brief information about its functionality, you can go to the store and ask for advice from the seller, knowing that you will not be quenched by an unnecessary trash at an inflated price.
  • You can watch more detailed and useful tips on the choice of a router or router on the video below.

Video: What is the router to choose?

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