Router What is what and why is it needed? What is a router with simple words?

Published by B. Android / Useful advice / Smartphones
18 Sep 2016.

In this article, you will find out for what a router or router is needed.

As you know, modern Internet technologies require high-speed routers, due to the large volume of traffic transmitted through them.


Why do you need a router?

To begin with, let's see what it is.

Router, it is a Wi-Fi router - this is a device, redirecting data from one network to several, simply speaking, it allows you to distribute Wi-Fi.

If the computer has a local network, the router allows you to use this network from other devices, besides different IP addresses.

Modern routers are able to independently determine the priority of traffic, and build a more affordable route.

It is customary to distinguish between two types of devices:

  • Compact routersThis is probably worth a computer in every family, it is able to provide an apartment or an Internet house.
  • Professional routersOur smartphones find them when we go to McDonalds, in other words, these are routers that work in large enterprises, and are capable of connecting dozens of users to their network. Such devices have a large amount of memory and actually represent a small minicomputer.

Advantage It is that the router is compatible with all types of interface modules.

What classes of routers exist?

Let's go through the classes of routers, they are not so much, just three, namely:

  • Top These are the most expensive devices, they can afford only large companies, enterprises, an average person such a device and not needed to hell. They support many different interfaces and protocols, and in the router itself there are up to fifty ports, both for local and global networks.
  • Middle, then everything is average, usually such routers put in a cafe, or in a small enterprise, providing customers and workers an affordable network.
  • LowerThese are those that are available in each family, they are not expensive, comfortable, and in principle perfectly cope with what they are created.

What types of routers connecting exist?

By type of connection, only two types are distinguished.

  • Wired router
  • Wi-Fi Router

It seemed that there was a difference between them?

Both devices are designed for the same, distribution of the Internet, and the differences between them, to the disgrace of small.

As you can guess from the name, the wired router, distributes what you need, through your Internet cable, while Wi-Fi router can do it without any wires.

Nowadays, most people need an Internet network. Therefore, it is possible that when choosing between the Internet and TV, they will choose the Internet. After all, with the help of accessing the Internet, you immediately appear the capabilities of viewing TV channels and other multimedia content.

IN this case The easiest solution will be the purchase of a router. It is sometimes problematic to establish it, so you will have to contact a specialist, or carefully read the installation instructions. And at that desirable moment, Wi-Fi will split all over the apartment, it is here that a person opens a second breath.

Interesting! Undoubtedly, the router is a very useful thing, recently they are put everywhere, in a cafe, in the cinema, in the entertainment center, and even at the university.

What is the principle of work for the router?

The Internet is a kind of storage of different packages, it is through them that we get the necessary information. And when the router finds the address of the package, it sends it to the connected devices.



It is worth noting,that even a thousand rubles you can find a completely good router, which will have characteristics not so different from professional.

But there is another side in everything in this, not so long ago, after updating Windows 10, an innovation appeared called Mobile Hot Stop.

For those who do not know.

  • Hot Stop - this is a kind of router, inside a computer.

If your laptop is connected to the network via the cable, then when you turn on the function, the PC will automatically distribute Wi-Fi, you just need to set the network name and password, nothing complicated.

The function itself is in the parameters " Network and Internet », With such innovation, the need for a router instantly goes into the background plan, conveniently and easily, but there is one problem, in this case it is like a laptop or computer, must always be included, which will agree, is not good.

Remember! Using a router, no way affects the cost of your Internet fare, it will remain the same, especially now everyone connects unlimited Internet traffic.

The speed of most devices is 100 MB / s, and this is enough for all needs, but professional routers are equipped with a much greater speed.

What can be used as a router?



As a Wi-Fi router, you can use your smartphone, in all communicators on the Android platform, there is a data transfer function in which our device turns into a manual router.

Should be rememberedWith such a distribution, the traffic of a mobile Internet is spent exclusively, so earlier, it will not have time to go through and a minute, as a message comes with a request to replenish traffic.

When was the first router, and what were his capabilities?

Now it does not hurt to learn the history of the router, it is difficult to believe, but the first prototype appeared back in 1974, and already two years later, from three local devices with three routers, the image of the world wide web.

Interesting! The first routers could not independently determine the route, for this was required by the administrator, which was map.

Modern routers Capable to protect the local network from malicious programs by means of traffic encryption. They also have many different types of safety for various algorithms, among them: EX-WEP, WAP, WPA other.

It should be notedSome wireless routers also include a DSL or cable modem in addition to components.

Wireless Routers or Routers, not a small way.

In 1999The standard of the protocol was 802.11b, which used the frequency range at 2.4 GHz, which ensured the transfer rate of 11 Mbps. The latest technology used, based on the 802.11n standard, or it can be called 11N, its speed is 150-300 Mbps, believe your Internet on this standard.

What is the difference between the switcher from the router?


Along with the router and the router, there is also a similar device, switch.

At the same time, there is a difference between them, for example, the router works much easier, it distributes the Internet, while from the switch is a complex thing with its tricks.

We can say that switch is a tee, while router, smart tee. Perhaps a simple inhabitant at first glance the difference is not visible, but it is.

Both gadgets are distinguished by many parameters, price, speed, etc.

Having considered what the characteristics of routers exist, you can sum up a brief summary of the parameters to which you want to navigate to buy a device.

  • If you need to organize the area of \u200b\u200bthe available Internet, then without any thought, you need to choose a router with this feature.
  • Do not forget to pay attention to the wireless standard.
  • Believe me, it makes no sense to buy a powerful router if the speed of your Internet is initially low, or in this case, there is only one advice, change your tariff for a more speed network.

Video: Why do you need a router?

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