How to install the weather on the desktop iPhone?

Published by B. iOS. / Mobile Internet / Useful advice / Smartphones
6 Oct 2016.

In this article, you will learn how to fix the problem with the display of weather conditions.

For sure, every user or owner of the iPhone smartphone came across a problem when it urgently needs to know the nearest weather conditions, and to do it, you need to enter the browser, go to the site, choose your city, and only then you can watch what the weather was today, and what will be tomorrow.

But why so complicate everything?

After all, today there is a huge number of widgets that can be downloaded from the official App Store service. In addition to the widgets, it is also worth mentioning third-party programs that allow you to withdraw all weather information on the desktop.

At the same time, all these amenities are absolutely free, that is, they can download any APP STORE service.

Therefore, as you understood today, our article we are talking about widgets and third-party programs that will make a moment to find out what the weather will be tomorrow, and what is planned in the nearest week.


Why do you need various applications and widgets, if they are pre-installed on the iOS platform?

It is worth notingThat on the official service App Store has a huge number of all kinds of programs and widgets, the installation of which is very simple.

But still it is necessary to mention that the official firmware of the IOS platform provides for the presence of widgets that can display information about weather conditions.

At the same time, most devices, that is, iPhone smartphones wear such a problem, due to which their owners cannot install the weather widget. Of course, it is not in the literal sense to establish, namely to configure it, since the application simply does not want to determine the location and geolocation.

For what reasons maybe there may be an improper display of location, and then the disappearance of weather widgets?

The reasons for which such an anomaly on iOS is happening, quite a lot, let's list them:

  1. Collection in the software shell or system that occurs due to the definition of geolocation and location.
  2. Lack of pre-installed main application "Weather"which is located in the Center for Smartphone Notifications.
  3. Location or locality in which the user is located is not supported, due to the lack of this area and the placed coordinates in the smartphone itself.
  4. application "Weather" It has an irrelevant (outdated) version, as a result of which his work is not officially supported.

What ways can you restore the work of the preset widgets on the iOS platform?

  1. Enable mode that allows you to determine the location of the smartphone owner.
  2. Add to Center Notifications Application "Weather".

How to enable the location mode of the owner?

In order to enable this mode, you need to just follow our instructions and actions:

  • First of all, you need to go to the settings section of your iPhone smartphone, and after entering the subsection "Confidentiality".


  • Then you need to find and click on the tab "Geolocation".


  • In the tab "Geolocation" You need to translate the slider to the right to turn on the location mode.


  • Ready! Now you turned on geolocation and location mode.

For the owners of the iPhone smartphone with a newer version of iOS

It is worth notingThat in the new version of the IOS platform, geolocation and location options are in the System Services tab. If the location definition mode does not work on your iPhone, then you need to check whether the compass calibration is enabled.

It would not be superfluous to check the correctness of the time zone, since it is often this parameter that is the problem, because of which the location and geolocation mode does not work, including the weather program, which cannot receive data from the Internet network.


  • After you have made a number of necessary procedures that we described above, you just need to restart your device, and then you will notice that the weather widget itself will appear on the desktop, and its work will start after connecting to the Internet.

Important! Remember that the low bandwidth of your Internet connection may also be a problem due to which the smartphone cannot update weather conditions.

How to add the weather "Weather" to the notification center?

It is worth notingthat for all updates of weather conditions in widgets and the display of the latest news, meets the chief widget, which is called "Review for today".

Therefore, so that it functioned, it must be included in the notification center. Thus, when you connect the Internet, this widget will display all the information, and show it as notifications on the status bar.

  • Now in order to open a notification center, you need to make swipe, that is, spend on the screen from above-down.
  • After that, you need to click on the button. "Change"which is located in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe notification center, and then you must select the desired application and turn it on, simply translating the slider to the right.


  • If you did everything, as it should, the weather widget and its state will be displayed either at the notification center, or on the desktop.


What applications to display the weather exist on the iOS platform?

It is worth notingAs such applications that allow you to learn easy and fast weather, a lot on the official service App Store. Moreover, all applications have a different interface and design, that is, enough, as they say on all.

So, let's list the most popular and actual weather applications.

Yahoo Weather

An interesting mini-application that is more like a widget, which is able to display detailed information about weather conditions in your city, or in which you are located.

At the same time, this application is a very interesting interface, as if on the street night, then the image of the night is displayed, if the day, then the image of the day, these images are also complemented by the weather state (rain, snow).



A very interesting program, which is similar as Yahoo weather, will keep you guard, which clothes are better to wear. Therefore, with the EWEATHER application, you definitely do not lose with weather conditions in your city, as the base and sources of weather are built with various geo and meteor services. At the same time, you may notice that the application combined with loyal weather information is also supplemented with a great interface.


Well, as you see all the problems with the display of weather conditions, we decided, and at the same time we recommend that you install one of the applications that we added to the list of best weather programs on the IOS platform.

We wish you good luck, and smaller sick, because on the street autumn, which means it is time to stock up immunity for the winter!

Video: How to add widget with clock, date and weather on the IOS 7 lock screen with Varbarim tweak?

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