Courier Delivery Service Pony Express: What Delivery, how and where to track the parcel to Russia from China with Aliexpress along the order track number, how and where to get the parcel? Delivery Pony Express with Aliexpress to Russia: Paid or Frequent, Fast or Not?

Published by B. Aliexpress
Sep 29, 2017.

Article for destroying Pony Express on the site Aliexpress. Terms, tracking of goods.

Pony Express: What Delivery, Paid or Free, Fast or Slow?

Delivery Pony Express. Quickly gaining popularity among buyers Aliexpress.

On the question of paid or free shipping, you can answer.

It should be understood that no one works anywhere for free.

If the seller has included the shipping cost in the price of the goods, then it will be free.

If the seller put the price of delivery separately from the price of the goods, it will be paid.

However, including the fact that delivery is carried out quickly and efficiently, the shipping price has a good relationship. price quality, and therefore this courier service is particularly popular with orders with Aliexpress and other online stores.

Consider how fast delivery works PONY EXPRESS. below.

Job Delivery Service Pony Express, Tracking goods with Aliexpress to Russia

Scheme sending goods:

  • the goods depart from China by courier service to the border with the Russian Federation (Vladivostok).
  • next, the goods follow from the border throughout the territory of the Russian Federation
  • tracking parcels passes along the track number, exclusively, through the territory of Russia

Tracking parcels on the site Aliexpress No different from the other delivery services is carried out along the track number of the goods.

How to watch track number you can read in the article - How to find out the track number parcel to Aliexpress?

The track number has its own format that differs from the other delivery services. It looks like it: so:

  • ETSSD21111599900 YQ, Initial letters EtsD., this is a business card code, consists of the initial letters of the logistics company of the PRC, which projected goods to the border with the Russian Federation.
    The tracking page is as follows:

Tracking page goods

Traveling goods in China can be traced by post track code on universal tracking sites:

We do the following:

  • enter the track - Rooms of goods in the window that opens
  • press key "Tighten"

Enter the track - Rooms of goods in the window that opens, press the "Track" key

Period, Delivery time Pony Express with Aliexpress from China to Russia

  • we view the opening page on the tracking site and see the trip the goods, the name of the company that sent the goods, the location of the goods (to the border with the Russian Federation)

Tracking page goods

On the example of the picture above, you can find out the following:

  • transportation of the order is engaged in the company ETS EXPRESS.
  • time of way to the border (customs) takes 12 days
  • after the border, the goods are tracking PONY EXPRESS.
  • before the buyer the goods went 4 days
  • total travel time is 16 days

Delivery times are within 12 - 25 days, the period is specified with the reserve.

Where and how to get a parcel delivered by the Pony Express service with Aliexpress in Russia?

Parcels S. Aliexpress Russia is delivered either to your post office, the index of which is specified in the delivery address on AliexpressOr to your phone comes SMS about the delivery time by sending by courier to your address.
If you do not suit the delivery time by the courier, you can call the courier service over the opposite phone and agree on the place and the delivery method that suits you.

Reviews of Pony Express

Olga, Moscow: "All I ordered, brought in good packaging, couriers are very friendly. When receiving you want to put a signature. I'm glad."
Tatyana: "I ordered a smartphone. Installed one delivery time, the goods came two weeks later. The courier did not call in advance, called in 15 minutes, well, I was at home. In short, the deadlines are violated. "

According to analytics of feedback on the Internet, people are not very satisfied with this service. Complaints go on a violation of the delivery time, non-historical couriers.

However, it is better to try once than 100 times to hear.

Yet PONY EXPRESS., very prompt delivery from China!

Video: Delivery Pony Express

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