Where is the return of money with Aliexpress after the dispute? How to understand whether the money returned to Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
20 Jul 2017.

The article tells where the user's cash is returned after the dispute is closed on " Aliexpress».

« Aliexpress"- a popular online store whose audience increases every year. The store has a lot of advantages than attracts customers. True, it does not work out here without some problems, for example, in the form of buyers demands to return their money for poor-quality goods. Such a measure on " Aliexpress»It is called the opening of the dispute, and this is quite standard practice.


Where is the return of money from Aliexpress after the dispute how to understand whether the money was returned to Aliexpress

In this review, we will talk about how and where cash is returned after opening and closing the dispute by users of the online store " Aliexpress».

Why open the dispute on "Aliexpress"?

Disputes on " Aliexpress»Can be opened for the following reasons:

  • After purchasing the goods, the seller did not send the parcel at the appointed time. The fact is that when the purchase is carried out, the timer is attached to this order. This timer allows the buyer to see how much time it remains before sending the parcel. If the seller does not fit at this time, the store must return to the buyer of its cash for not sent in time.
  • The client decided to cancel the order. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate the reason for such a failure from the list presented. True, the seller must, in this case, must confirm the refusal of the buyer.
  • If the client won the dispute on " Aliexpress"The store should partially either completely return funds.
  • The goods were offered by fraudsters. For example, there have been cases when sellers on " Aliexpress»Offered a laptop for 10 dollars. It is clear that in such cases you can deal with attackers, so always need to be wary of excessively favorable trading transactions. Ordinary sellers will not trade so.

When will the money return after closing the dispute on "Aliexpress"?

Users who close the dispute on " Aliexpress"Are you often asked when the cash will be returned to them? People, of course, want money to be listed quickly, and even better - immediately. But there is no reason to worry if you won the dispute, then you will be returned, tell me when it can happen.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the refund depends on the causes of the dispute. Money will be returned within two weeks if you discovered the dispute on " Aliexpress" the following reasons:

  • You did not send the parcel after payment of the order
  • The seller turned out to be a fraudster, and it was proven
  • The seller agreed to cancel your order

Clarify which status has a refund, you can in your " Personal Cabinet»In the payment section:


Where is the return of money from Aliexpress after the dispute how to understand whether the money was returned to Aliexpress

You will also not prevent you from watching the status of the dispute itself when you are driving it. It happens that the disputes close unexpectedly for buyers themselves. In chapter " My orders»On the tab" Returns and disputes»Watch your dispute status:


Where is the return of money from Aliexpress after the dispute how to understand whether the money was returned to Aliexpress

Where are the cash after the successful closure of the dispute by the buyer on Aliexpress?

An important issue among users " Aliexpres.s "is where the money is returned after the dispute is closed. In fact, there are no problems here. If you paid the order by a bank card, wallets " QIWI" or " WebMoney."The money will be renewed at the expense of these payment systems - where the money was removed, and return.

But some buyers still face small nuances. The fact is that on " Aliexpress»You can buy goods with the payment system" Alipay." If the client wins the dispute, then he returns money to the score of this wallet, but users do not recognize about it. Therefore, you need to always remember, from which wallet you paid the order.

For the greatest clarity where the money is returned after the closure of the dispute on " Aliexpress", Do the following:

  • In his " Personal Cabinet»Go to" My orders"And then click on" more details", As presented in the screenshot.

Where is the return of money from Aliexpress after the dispute how to understand whether the money was returned to Aliexpress

  • In the Payments section, you will see all your interests you are interested in

Where is the return of money from Aliexpress after the dispute how to understand whether the money was returned to Aliexpress

You will also imagine the table where and when the money is returned after the closure of the dispute on " Aliexpress»:


Where is the return of money from Aliexpress after the dispute how to understand whether the money was returned to Aliexpress

What if the money did not return?

If suddenly you did not return the money for ten days after the scheduled return date, you should not panic. " Aliexpress"Do not strive to deceive your buyers. Just refer to the technical support of the site and explain your problem. This helps in most cases.

Video: Return money from Aliexpress? Answers to the most popular questions!


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