Crossposting from Instagram to the VKontakte group

Published by B. Mobile Internet
23 Dec 2016.

Of course, no one wants to do a double job. Therefore, in this article we will discuss how to simultaneously publish posts in Instagram and VKontakte Group.

Many owners group In contact with  set questionas to do automatic publication of social network Instagram. on the wall in public? Worth it immediately to tell, what a task this is not such simpleDescribed below scheme requires of time and lot resources, but she is works.

what required for settings?

To perform setting automatic postniga required:

Instruction by at the construction site crosspost of Instagram. in group In contact with

Stage 1

  • Install on the its own website plugin NextScripts.: Social. NetWorks. AUTO.Poster.. It dust opportunity import messages of Instagram.. More togo, plugin works and from many other social networks.
  • When plugin will be installed, his necessary activate and then tune.
  • Add new social net  -> vkontakte..
  • Next page will be to look like so:
Set up page

Set up page

  • By points do everything, what on the her described:
  1. Create attachment In contact with
  2. Enter his Id
  3. Save setting
  4. Open settings rebel
  5. Authorize attachment, press on the his link
  6. Insert URL
  7. Subject message as you conveniently
  8. Click on the «Shipping testa entries In contact with» 
  9. You must lighten message, what everything oK, but in group will be placed fast

Stage 2

After of this everything must to begin work, that there is photo of Instagram. first will be place in blog, but later already In contact with. Only until will be only posts without photo. what same do? Need yet one plugin.

Stage 3

  • On the past stage for at the construction site status always need to note « Pending.», to fast not posted self, but hungry on the approval in blog.
  • Install and activate AUTO. POST. Scheduler. It required for accommodation publications from defined delay. So w. you will be new photos.
  • Now you again need settings. First need to set time delay.
  • Before in string « Eligible POST. Statuses. put mark on the « Pending.». « Number of. Posts.» it is better set 1, to not place more one photo per time.

Here and in ce! Now yours photo of Instagram. will be automatically place in group In contact with.

Repost from Instagram to the VKontakte group

Repost from Instagram to the VKontakte group

Video: How to tie an instagram to VKontakte Group: AutoMport, Crospost?

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