Currency Converter for Android: Programs

Published by B. Android / Mobile Internet / Useful advice / Smartphones
9 Sep 2016.

This article will tell you about the currency converter for Android.

This article will tell you about what is a currency converter, how to use it, as well as what currency converters exist on android.


Often there are times when you need to find out a course of a particular currency pair, for example, the dollar rate in rubles, and then problems arise and you have to ask from passersby, or close friends "What course for today?".

Therefore, drop all these questions in the past, as if you have a smartphone with an android operating system, then you have a great opportunity to download and install currency steam converter, which will be your assistant in financial affairs.

What is a currency converter?

This is an information service that provides an opportunity to find out, for example, how much will be $ 1,000 in rubles, and vice versa.

Currency converter is a very convenient thing if you are going to leave or travel through countries where other currencies exist.

How to use currency converter?

To use the currency converter is very primitive, for this you only need to choose the desired direction of currency and enter the amount you want to convert.

What programs to convert currency pairs exist on android?

Easy currency converter from Extraandroary


Excellent application for the implementation of transformations of one currency to another, as there is even an offline mode.

  • The application has almost all global currencies, which include 180+ species, as well as 4 types of metals
  • Email updating of all currency rates, makes this application very relevant even in banking services

Currency Converter from Yury Polshchikov


This application is also different from many things that it has an excellent and convenient interface in which only everything is available.

  • Availability of more than 160+ types of world currencies make the application used anywhere in the world.
  • Lack of advertising, even in the free version, emphasizes its popularity
  • The application can work with both the Internet and without

An indispensable currency converter from Neklo Team


Excellent application that allows you to convert the specified currency to another.

  • The application has a huge number of world currencies, and also allows you to follow the oscillation of any currency on schedule.

Well, on this we will finish our today's article in which we talked about currency converters.

Video: Best currency converter for Android

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