Compass online on Yandex map: how to enable and use?

Published by B. Mobile Internet / Useful advice
13 Jul 2017.

An article about the options for determining the parties of the light on Yandex. Compass, on a magnetic compass, topographic map. Yandex loading circuit. Map to a mobile device.

Compass -online! This feature has a smartphone, an iPhone or a simple mobile phone. The compass will be useful when mobile communication does not work. The device allows you to independently establish a reference reference direction in any terrain.


Magnetic compass, your area assistant

Recall the school section in the subject " Geography"How to work with a magnetic compass. S. compass - online, similar to.
Rules of work with a magnetic compass:

  • remove the block from the compass magnetic arrow.
  • the arrow is oriented to the north. Wrapping the dial, combine the digit «0» (designated on the dial of the device) with the direction of the arrow - north.
  • in the presence of a card, make the calculation of the angle of promotion relatively north on the map.
  • adjust according to the selected direction.
  • after completing the work, put the arrow - the north to block.

Principle of operation Yandex. Compass - online

The principle of operation of the electronic device is identical to the operation of the magnetic device:

  • we determine the location of PO GPS. Mobile device navigation.
  • we go to the site Google Compass here.
  • we celebrate your point of location, entering an exemplary landmark on the edge, area or district.

Electronic map of the area on Yandex. Map. Location of the approximate location

  • press key SHOW COMPASBy moving the virtual compass to the location point.

Press the SHOW COMPAS key (collapsed in red)

  • we note the point of the final follow.
  • we look an angle, direction of movement.
  • we follow the found direction.

We follow the direction found

What should I remember?

  • the compass shows the side of the horizon on the orientation of the arrow according to the power lines of the magnetic field.
  • the upper arrow is oriented strictly to the north.
  • the lower arrow looks south.
  • the arrow on the right indicates east.
  • the arrow on the left orient to the west.
  • do not work with a compass under the power supply (power lines.)
  • keep a compass in a horizontal position.

Compass with designations in parts of light

Orientation on the sides of the light on the map of Yandex

On electronic karta Yandex. The parties are not always indicated. It is required to fill this lack of knowledge in this direction.


Electronic map without a compass

We will try to tell how to do it.
So we have electronic map Yandex.. Our actions:
Option number 1

  • combine the map on your mobile device.
  • if the turn does not happen, the card in a constant position, the north is located at the top, the south below, on the right side of the East, on the left side, the West.
  • if desired, determine "Intermediate" The sides of the world (Northeast, northwest and so on).

Option number 2.

  • turn over the map on the phone.
  • when moving the card, lock the screen, find the rhombus sign in two colors, pointing the direction of light parts. Standardly, the north is shown in red, opposite to him, will be specified south. Accordingly, the East will be on the right side, the West with the left.

Yandex electronic map view

Option number 3 (Definition of the Light Parties on the Typographic Map)

  • expand the card, so that the inscriptions are read by both in the book, the font has walked from the West to the East (from left to right), letters, numbers would be up.
  • determine the parties of light on the principle of the North at the top, the south below, the West on the left side, East on the right side.

Option number 4 (Definition of the Light Parties on Typographic Map by Sign)

  • find on the map icon in the form of a four radial star. Each ray corresponds to the letter: FROM - north YU - South, Z. - West, IN - East (sometimes the letters are Latin N, S, W, E, respectively).

Card depicting a compass, side of the world

Detailed orientation on the sides of the light on the map Yandex

  • we enter browser Yandex. by reference here.
  • click on the bottom segment of the screen.
  • we activate the key "Menu".

Open the option "Menu" in Yandex. Compass

  • we celebrate the section responsible for settings.
  • turn on the option "View map"By selecting a condition.

"Scheme" or "Satellite".


Card state - "Satellite" on Yandex. Compass

  • if desired, in the section "Menu" You can enable the option "Night mode" (Control keys "ON", "OFF", "AUTO.").

Option "Night mode" in the "Menu" section Yandex. Compass

  • optionally, we include a bulk option 3D-Reju.
  • clearly remember that north Always up.
  • focusing in parts of the world.

Useful Yandex keys. Compass on the orientation of the parties of the light

  • signs "a plus" and "minus",change scale.
  • button "Automatic Scale", To automatically change the scale when motor vehicles move.
  • sign of schematic compass image, location key.
  • the activated sign of the compass (press) of the location in real time, denoted by the letter "I" In a green circle.
  • compass sign with an arrow for the orientation of your movement. Pressing the sign fixes the reference point of the electronic map according to the direction of the North. North is always on top.

The navigator has a lot of other useful keys you can consider the link here.

Download Yandex app. Compass can by reference here.


Yandex app. Compass. Main page

Download scheme

  • intensify by pressing the bottom of the screen.
  • look at the settings panel that appears.
  • enter the menu.
  • activate the Card loading section.

Activation of the Card Loading section

  • choose a terrain, city, area (inserting a name in a search engine or selecting on the list)

Choose a terrain, city, area (inserting a name in a search engine or selecting on the list)

  • look at the information on the amount of memory to load the card.
  • enter key "Download".
  • to remove the card, go through the above scheme to the option "Download and Delete".

Activate the "Download and Delete" option

  • press the key "Delete downloaded data"

If the list of cities, regions does not show the name of the object, please inform the service center Yandex..
If the mobile device does not provide a sufficient amount of memory to load the card, enable the device software.
We have consecrated the main questions on finding parties to light on Yandex. Map, downloading an application, orientation on the sides of the light on a magnetic compass, paper card.
Interesting travels!

Video: how to navigate in Yandex. Maps?

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