Footers in Word: how to insert, remove, change on one page, how to make them by partitions separately? How to leave footer in the Word only on the first page?

Published by B. Microsoft Office.
8 Apr 2018.

The article will tell how to clean the footer in the Word program.

Some users set various issues with concerning footers in a text editor " Word." How to remove footers in " Word 2007./2010/2013/2016"? How to remove footers in " Word.»In the first and subsequent pages? How to make different columns? Let's talk about it in our review.


Remove footer in "Word"


Footers in a text editor " Word."These lines that are located on the edge of the text set of the text in the documents. That is, in other words, the header contains the title of the article, the name of the book, the name or alias of the author and so on.

A header, as a rule, is placed on each page of a document or ordinary book. In a programme " Word.»A footer looks like an empty strip on the page outside the text in which we set out all the information. This empty strip starts from the upper / lower edge of the document and ends on the borders with the text.

Personal data in " Word."The default is already assigned, but we can change their parameters to your liking, including their complete removal. They can also be installed on each page or only on the first. Consider some of these options.

How to remove footer on the first page?

Many documents " Word.»Do not require the creation of footers on the very first page:


Remove footer in "Word"

If you need to remove the footer from the first sheet of the document, do the following:

  • Open the web page and press twice the mouse over the empty area of \u200b\u200bthis document - this action will reveal the toolkit we need, with which we can change the footers.

Remove footer in "Word"

  • Go to section " Work with footers"And check the daw, as shown in the screenshot.

Remove footer in "Word"

  • After that, the footers are removed from this page. In the same way, you can set new footers if necessary.

Remove footer in "Word"

How to remove footers on the subsequent pages of the document "Word"?

If we need to remove the footers on other pages, then we will use a slightly different instruction. We will add a divide partition:

  • Expand the document and click the mouse in that part of it (on that page), where we will not need footer heads.

Remove footer in "Word"

  • Next, go up to the section " Layout»

Remove footer in "Word"

  • Then click on the "button" Raunt"And in the discontinued menu, go to subparagraph" Next page».

Remove footer in "Word"

  • After that, on the document page, press twice the head at the head at the top or bottom - this action will add a new section to the toolbar (" Work with footers»).

Remove footer in "Word"

  • Go to the specified section and click on " As in the previous section", After which the separation of the section will be created.

Remove footer in "Word"

  • Next, click on one (or each in order) from the buttons - " Upper/footer».

Remove footer in "Word"

  • And then click on the removal of the footer (upper / lower), as shown in the screenshot.

Remove footer in "Word"

  • If you need to close the toolkit, with which we removed the footers, then click on " Close the footer window».

Remove footer in "Word"

Video: How to remove footer?

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