Computer keyboard: Key assignment, description for beginners. How to use a computer keyboard: buttons functions

Published by B. Windows
Jun 30, 2017.

Purpose Keyboard keys Windows Windows, keyboard layout, combinations and key combinations.

Computer, laptop without keyboard, this is a kind of stove without fire!


Keyboard for computer. Appearance

The first thing to master the newcomer and repeat the former PC user is the purpose of the keyboard keys.
We will try to tell about the functionality, the name of the keyboard buttons, for free use, consecrate information on the keyboard layout.

Keyboard computer device

The keyboard is one of the components of the computer devices, intended for printing, drawing up tables, drawings, pictures, input commands, digital values.
The keyboard includes the following types of keys:

  • Escape., Program Closing Key.

Abbreviated name of the Escape key on the keyboard

  • function keys F1 before F12.

Function keys

  • keys - symbols, keys - letters, it is practically the main part. To obtain a symbol when printing, press the key Shift.

Keys - Symbols, Keys - Letters, Numbers Keys

  • modifying keys ( SHIFT, ALT, CTRL).

Keys - SHIFT, ALT, CTRL modifiers

  • keys controlling the cursor (arrows).

Cursor control keys (arrows)

  • additional keys.

Additional keys

Stock Foto Standard computer keyboard system Windows looks like that:


Standard Windows Computer Keyboard indicating the name and functional keyword

Setting the keyboard

Overclocking is a binder system between the alphabet (English or Russian) and a specific key. Alphabet layout can be changed by combination Alt + Shift. or Ctrl + Shift..
Scheme change the alphabet layout using the menu:

  • run to work option "Start" on the Windows.
  • we enter the distribution panel.
  • we find the option "Changing the keyboard layout" (hours, language, region).

Change keyboard layout panel

  • we activate the string "Language and keyboard".
  • press the option key "Change keyboard".

"Change keyboard" option

  • on the tab called "General", press the key "Select input language."

Choose input language

  • keep the operations done by key "Okay".
  • the language of the alphabet of the keyboard is changed.

Keyboard buttons. Purpose

  • keys OT. F1 before F12., Computer control keys in the absence of a computer mouse. Their functions include opening / closing information folders and files, the ability to change the name of folders and files, the ability to copy and insert and other (see Figure above).
  • keys digitalkeys Symbols and signs. Designed for printing numbers of signs (!,?), Percent (%) and so on. Example: To deliver an exclamation, question mark, press the corresponding numeric key and shift. Sometimes, with the above combination, a font language should be changed to exit a certain mark. See photo above.
  • keys digital right or left. They have the same meanings as the horizontal range.
  • Num Lock. Designed to turn on the numeric keypad.

The Num Lock key is indicated by a circle and arrow

  • literal keys are designed to print text. On each key there is an opportunity to work in Russian and in English, with the letters of the English alphabet at the top of the key.

Letter keys

  • Shift + Alt. or Shift + Ctrl, Work in a pair, are needed to change the keyboard language.

SHIFT + ALT or SHIFT + CTRL keys combination

  • WIN. Used not often, to activate the key "Start"(Sometimes, indicated, as in the figure).

Win key

  • Fn. There are only in laptops. Used to regulate brightness, volume, contrast. On the laptop, the key works in a pair with keys F1 - F10.

FN key

  • key combination SHIFT + alphabet Creates a capital letter.
  • combination "point" And the Russian alphabet creates a point when printing.
  • combination " points »+ Shift gives a comma.
  • keyboard key "Yu" + English alphabetAlso, gives a point.
  • keyboard key "B" + English Alphabet gives a comma.

Text formatting keys

  • Caps Lock., key for printing text with large font. Canceling a large text is accompanied by repeated keystroke.

Caps Lock key creates a large font

  • Tab. Makes indent at the beginning of paragraph.

Tanning key or selection of paragraph in the text

  • big key Space Makes the space between the words, and, only one gap between the two words.

Key space makes space between words

  • Backspace., Can be washed, deleted, eliminate and raise up printed text or part of text. Sometimes, indicated by the arrow.

BACKSPACE key (in the middle of the drawing)

  • ENTER, the transition key to the bottom line of the sentence, the omission of the text below.

Enter key

Auxiliary keys

  • INSERT, HOME, Page UP and Page DOWN, arrows, keys that replace the mouse when working with text.

Computer mouse computer keys

  • Delete.Works to delete text or part of it.

Removal key, erasing Delete

  • Deletecursor moving keys to the beginning of a string or text (second functional ability).
  • END, Page Down, Cursor move keys to the end of a string or text.

END, Page Down, Cursor Travel Keys

  • Insert., key to print a new text with the simultaneous removal of the old (see photo above).
  • Scroll Lock.serves to scroll text up / down. It is analogue with a computer mouse wheel. It is rarely applied.
  • Pause / Break, stops the work of the computer. It is extremely rare.
  • PRINT a "photographer" pictures of the computer screen to install the snapshot into the program Word or Pointi.e. used to create screenshotov.

PRINT SCREEN key to create screenshots

Basic working keys for memorization

  • Shift Helps print characters along with pressing the numeric keys, as well as capital letters.
  • Caps Lock.Prints a large font when the state is turned on. Disabled when pressed.
  • Tab, Creates a gap in front of a paragraph.
  • key Spacewhose name says itself.
  • ENTER, lowers the text below on the line.
  • Backspace., Delete key, erasing text, pictures, schematic pattern, table.

Keyboard shortcut

Consider a combination where in the first place is to activate the key Ctrl:

  • Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC, Opening the task dispatcher program.
  • + F., search box in the working system.
  • + A., selection of text as a whole format.
  • + C.Copy.
  • + V., insert.
  • + P., Printing a file.
  • + Z., cancel the operation.
  • + X., text cutting.
  • + ESCrunning over the start / closing option "Start".
  • + Printscreen, Creating a screenshot in the work program.
  • + Delete.Delete text, drawing, screenshot, table.

The second option of combinations, when in the first place is the activation of the key WIN.:

  • Win + Pause., Run the system properties program.
  • + D.Closing all working windows.
  • + L., closing the computer.
  • + R., Run the computer's workflow.

In this article, we have consecrated the questions of the keyboard value, key layout, the main working keys and combinations of the computer keyboard.
Owning information, you will cope with any task!

Video: Acquaintance with computer keyboard

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