Apple Watch Calibration for Running

Published by B. iOS.
Nov 5 2016.

In this article we will talk how to perform an Apple Watch calibration for running.

Before than start off train together from Apple. Watch, you preliminary we need point in them its own floor, age, weight, to device it was easier follow per indicators health. BUT here calibration watch can to do more precisely. how this is to do, talk further.

Thanks calibration you rose accuracy control miscellaneous roda indicators, which fixed clock in time classes. Besides togo, touch setting continuing Move. and Workout..

  • Take in hands smartphone and clock and exit on the open a place. It is better if a it will be out of damn cities
  • Look, included lie w. you geolocation. Pass on the iPhone. in Settings -> Confidentiality -> Services geolokation
Geolocation services on iPhone

Geolocation services on iPhone

  • Further choose Systemic services and look, active lie «Calibration traffic accounting«
Traffic accounting calibration

Traffic accounting calibration

  • Launch program Workout. on the clock
  • Make choice in favor one of modesOutdoor RUN. or Outdoor Walk.
Workout application on iPhone

Workout application on iPhone

  • Decide from you purpose
  • Click on the Start.
  • Pateshide from normal speed minutes 20 or run

After execution these uncomplicated action, on the clock run automatic calibration, that will do measurements more accurate.

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