What streaming music service is better: Google Music, Apple Music, Yandex.Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, Deezer, 22Tracks or Calm Radio: Ranking, Overview and Comparison

Published by B. Useful advice
13 Feb 2018.

Article Review on the most popular music services.

Are you interested in what streaming music services are the best and rating to date? Then you are at.

Music services are very visited resources at a level with social networks. Most of the owners of gadgets at least once visited one of them (the list will be submitted below). And many users are not at all can do without music sounding from the headset.

So, today we will discuss the pros and cons of the most popular musical cutting services of giants: " Deezer», “ Google Play Music”, “Apple Music.". We will also introduce an overview for no less popular resources: " Yandex.Music», « Spotify.», « SoundCloud.», « 22Tracks.», « Calm Radio.».




The French musical resource, which has already managed to gain popularity among lovers of hut music throughout the planet. One of the reasons for such a high rating here is a beautiful and affordable interface, the ability to download the app practically to any gadget, as well as a simplified fast registration.

These seemingly not related to music characteristics actually attract a large audience. I downloaded quickly, installed, registered and now listen to music for every taste. But let us discuss the main advantages of the service, not forgetting also about the shortcomings.


  • The ability to listen to music in high quality - MP3 320. The advantage of audio files of such a format is two very important criteria. First, it is still MP3 files, relatively small by weight, they can be placed online at a small speed of the Internet. Secondly, you will listen to high quality music - for the gadget 320 Kb / s enough of the roof above. No modern gadget will be able to use all the possibilities (Kusateo sound quality) MP3 320.
  • You can listen online
  • You can create different playlists
  • Unobtrusive advertising
  • Well suited for gadgets " IOS.»


  • Not installed on computers
  • No opportunity to search for tracks in playlists
  • Radio stations are created only on the basis of the artist
  • Access to Listening MP3 320 - Paid


Download the application is possible here.

"Google Play Music"

A popular musical service where you can choose music among 37,000,000 songs, which is enough for each lover of good music of different genres. Here you can download the tracks to the gadget and create your own playlists. True, the first month you will use this service in full, and then for the proposed services will have to pay a monthly fee.


"Google Play Music"


  • You can download any tracks for computers and gadgets without restrictions.
  • A huge music catalog - tens of millions of tracks for every taste
  • Tracks can also be transferred to cloud storage


  • Download the tracks to the computer will have through the phone, since the computer does not provide for the computer.
  • As you can listen to music on computers, the quality of audio files could be made higher. But there is no such possibility here, only - MP3 320.
  • When downloading music to gadgets " Android»The media system is saved only in the phone's memory (there is no possibility to download on the USB flash drive).
  • On iPhones and iPada, downloaded music is listening offline only when connected " Media ICloud».

"Google Play Music"

Download the application is possible here.

"Apple Music"

This service is slightly modest than the previous one, but it is enough for lovers to listen to music on gadgets. The format of audio files here AAC 256, the number of tracks is about 35,000,000. You yourself judge, music is really a lot, and the quality of the sound for gadgets is sufficient. There are no good speakers in the gadgets and an excellent sound card, do not forget about it.


"Apple Music"


  • Good application in terms of use on gadgets
  • A huge number of tracks sufficient to listen to the whole life
  • Support for radio stations with music different genres
  • Integrated with " iTunes.»
  • Music is constantly updated


  • No opportunity to listen to music if your gadget is not connected to an account in the system " Apple.».
  • Playlesss sometimes may disappear (internal bug)

"Apple Music"

Download the application is possible here (The application is embedded in iTunes).

A brief overview for music services: Yandex.Music, "Spotify", "SoundCloud", "22tracks", "Calm Radio"

Now let's say a few words about other popular musical resources. Above we talked about the modern giants, it will be about worthy alternatives. Information is presented for informational purposes.




Russian relative music service. One of his advantages is that you can listen to all the music absolutely free. In principle, this is already talking about many, practically about the main thing.

But we can indicate the shortcomings of the service, for example, the choice of musical compositions here will be significantly less than its foreign analogues. And this is also enough for the user to make a conclusion, whether it needs this musical resource or is worth searching for anything else.

Another advantage is the ability to listen to MP3 320. As we remember, it is the highest possible version of listening to music from gadgets. By the way, the interface here is also cute.

Download the application is possible here.




This musical service, of course, we can describe, but Russian users can not listen to it. We will give a link to download if you live, say, in America.

The media site of the service is really huge - 40,000,000 songs. It is even more than those resources that we described above. But for the full use of all its capabilities you will have to spend ten dollars every month. True, if you do not have a special musical hearing, then the sound quality will satisfy you and without having to pay money for it. Just you will not be able to rewind tracks.

Download the application is possible here.




Good music service. Noteworthy in that you can freely communicate with other users, as in a social network. Tracks can be downloaded, and also have the opportunity to sell. The media library provides a list of both Western and Russian performers.

Download the application is possible here.




This resource provides a wide selection of dance music. You will have the opportunity to "light up" to the music of the best DJs of Europe.

The big advantage of the musical service is that it is completely free. And this is despite the fact that the music is constantly updated.

Download the application is possible here.

Calm Radio


Calm Radio

Free service for lovers of calm peaceful music from Solo to Jazz. A large selection of various songs of this kind will help you to relax at the end of the wrong working day.

Download the application is possible here.

Video: Music services: "Google Play Music", "Apple Music", Yandex Music

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