What day limits and restrictions are provided in Instagram? Limits Direct in Instagram Action, Messages: Description of limits, restrictions and prohibitions. What information is categorically prohibited to publish in Instagram profile: Tips

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Smartphones
March 7, 2017.

In this article we will tell about limits, restrictions and prohibitions in the Instagram social network.

Instagram's social network has long been worldwide. Therefore, the daily stream of users is incredibly large here. For example, Instagram.com is visited on the day more than 800,000.

In this regard, the Instagram social network introduced a defense that provides for blocking the account for violation of the rules, and the blocking period proceeds from the fact that the user specifically broke.

If the user sent spam messages from its account, then it will be blocked without the possibility of recovery, and if the user has been taken and disabled from its account, it can get an amnesty and the possibility of unlocking.

Thus, it can be said that if you don't send anything from your profile, but you will talk peacefully with your colleagues and upload photos, then you will be secured by locking.

What limits provide Instagram?

So, let's take a look at what limits are in the social network Instagram, and also learn what you can do and what is categorically impossible.

Lyclic limits on profiles

It is allowed to put no more than the 1st pit on a photo or entry in Instagram. At the same time, the period of time that must pass to unlock the possibility of putting the second likeness is from 30 to 36 seconds. During the day you can put only 1000 likes, given the time interval.

Limits on subscriptions for profiles

You can also subscribe to one page you can also with a period of 30 to 36 seconds. But there is a common limit that provides no more than 200 subscriptions per hour. That is, here you can also subscribe to 1000 profiles per day, if you consider the gap.

Subscription Limits + Likes on profiles

If you want to simultaneously subscribe and put like on profiles, then 1000 likes and 1000 subscriptions per day are available. It also needs to be observed a period of 30 seconds, since with its multiple violation, your page is considered spamming, and it is banned.

Recipment limits from profiles

You can comply with other people's profiles not more than 1000, while observing the time interval from 10 to 25 seconds. For mutual and non-evident subscriptions, the maximum number of replies from them is also 1000 per day.

Limits by reference to the user

The possibility of mentioning users in their photos or in messages is no more than 5 nips, and it is necessary to take into account the delay of 350 to 400 seconds. It also exceeds the limits perceived by spam.

Comment Limits

Writing comments for photos of other users available not more than 15 per hour, taking into account the delay of up to 500 seconds.

Limits for adding photos to profile

When creating a new account in the Instagram social network, you will not be able to immediately download a lot of photos in the profile. For a new account, it is advisable to upload no more than 5 photos per day, and for old profiles you can publish up to 15 photos.

What information is categorically forbidden to publish in Instagram's profile?

It is worth noting that after the introduction of new standards for rules and protect accounts, as well as the introduction of limits and restrictions, Instagram administrators have become carefully related to each account and verification. Previously, for the indication of the contact number in his profile, it was possible to get a lifetime ban, as it was regarded as the maintenance of a commercial page.

Today, for entering a contact number in the description of your profile, you will not get another blocking, but still the best option will be placed the site in which your contact details will be indicated. But this applies to those who lead a commercial page.

If you keep two profiles in parallel in the Instagram social network, then you know that you need to place different data. After all, if you specify the same site in two profiles, then Instagram will consider the second page for the fake.

Thus, the Instagram social network has long been a long time to maintain an active fight against spammer, advertisers and arbitrals of traffic that create a page with the goal of illegal by the rules Instagram monetization.

This concerns the description to the photos. In no case do not copy someone else's description to photos, as this is also regarded as spam. That is, all the descriptions must be unique, and not be written "Under the car".

Forget about publishing 30 photos per day, as this feature was 3-5 years ago. Now the rules and limitations changed, so it is allowed to upload no more than 10 photos.

Check IP Address on Lock in Instagram

It should be borne in mind that the Instagram social network has a huge base of spammers in which IP addresses are specified, it is called SPAMHAUS. Therefore, if you want to open the second profile in Instagram, then be on a permanent change of the IP address, when moving from one page to another.

How to work safely with Instagram and not get blocking?

Be sure to follow the rules, limits and restrictions. Remember that a multiple violation of the intervals of the delay awaits you an imminent ban.

In the same way, the situation with flashes IP addresses is clarified. If you come from different devices to your Instagram profile, but at the same time sitting on one IP address, you may be tested by phone.

How many profiles can be tied to one phone number?

Of course, as in all other social networks, 1 registration number is allowed here 1. And it is done for your convenience and for convenient checks in Instagram.

Well, on this we will finish our article on the rules for maintaining the page (profile) in the Instagram social network.

Video: Proper work with Instagram

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  • With comments, you must especially gently promote! For this right now, Banyat is ruthless! I know at your own experience ... \u003d (

    In addition, there is now an unfailed service of mutual meaningful comments, is called "Commenter 2000", here are their profile in insta - @ commenter_2000

    I first strive, but there is no need to leave a login, not a password from the account, everything is intuitive and simple, and most importantly, they can have a service of 10 days absolutely free!

    For several hours, it came about 30 normal meaningful comments from living people, and how usually from the bots "your profile super" or "beautiful picture" - these bots have already taken out ...

    In general, try the guys until free!

    Good luck to everyone in promoting their accounts !!! World, work, smm \u003d)

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