How to fill in an aliexpress shipping address in English? How to write the address of the village, the village on Aliexpress correctly?

Published by B. Aliexpress
November 9, 2016.

After registration on Aliexpress It is necessary to specify the delivery address. We will talk about how to write it and about the features of its fill.

Despite on the that, what many it seems, what fill address delivery on the Aliexpress easily, w. most arise defined problems. Exactly from reliable fill addresses depends rapidity receipt parcel. therefore, to not it was problems everything must be made right. Before total, you we need remember, what filled everything strings latineta.

how right write street on the Aliexpress, housing at home?

By the way, can and not change the words on the english, but write as they are there is, eg, kvartira., dOM and so further. If a w. you there is in address number corps, that his we need before write fully, eg, korpus.. Rest the words can cutd.. — house, kv.. — flat. what concerns streets, that can use abbreviationst.. (/from street.) or uL. (from ulica.).

how fill address on the Aliexpress for residents cities?

For start note attention on the example already ready addresses delivery.

Delivery address

Delivery address

IN example is he compiled for cities Penza.

Now talk separately about each stitching:

  • «Name recipient«. Here indicate your Full name. Write they are as would be byrussian, but latin letters, eg, Ivanov. Ivan. Ivanovich.
  • «Country/region«choose country your his accommodation of list.
  • «Street, house, flat«here specified name streets, where you live, house, flat and housing
  • «Edge, region, region«choose your region accommodation.
  • «City«respectively you we need choose city accommodation
  • «Index«six-figure number your his departments mail
  • «Telephone«number phone for communication.
Enter phone number

Enter phone number

  • «Mobile telephone«this is field can stay empty, if a in previous stitching you already specified its own mobile.
  • Now save everything specified data.

how fill address delivery on the Aliexpress for residents sel?

First look on the example filled addresses.

Filling address for the village

Filling address for the village

Fully we to consider filling not we will, talk only about features.

  • Principle remains top same, but for select cities, first we need determine district, in which the included yours village. IN ours example this is Bessonovsky district, so and on the Aliexpress we choose Bessonovskiy. raiyon..
  • Self same name sela, set or farm not specified. IN dann case choose only region and district.
  • Yet one meaningful moment is an note postal index. You should be for sure sure, what is he right, to departure not groce in other department.
  • Fill everything strings and choose preservation addresses.

When and where specified address?

Point its own address can two options:

Method 1. IN account

  • Log in on the site. Aliexpress
  • Find section «My Aliexpress«
My aliexpress

My aliexpress

  • IN novom window in leva parts choose «Addresses delivery«
Delivery addresses

Delivery addresses

  • You translated on the page, where we need make settings your his addresses
Address fill form

Address fill form

Method 2. Filling in process registration

  • Choose product, which the want to buy and choose «Buy now«
Buy now

Buy now

  • On the new page up you see form for input addresses
Filling address

Filling address

Video: Fillingline delivery addresses on

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