How to go to "Instagram" if you forgot your password? How to restore instagram password, not knowing email through your phone number: instruction

Published by B. Instagram. / Useful advice / Social networks
17 Feb 2018.

The article describes how to restore the lost password in "Instagram" using the phone number.

Many users Instagram.»Sometimes forget your password to enter your account and seek various ways to restore it. On the Internet you can find different instructions for recovering the password in "Instagram": through a computer or phone. At the same time, it is necessary to take advantage of its current email or attached to " Instagram.»Account for" Facebook.».

But what to do if you do not know (or forgot) an email password, and also do not have your own page on " Facebook."? Then you can restore the password using your phone number. Let's talk about it in our review.

How to restore password in "Instagram" through the number of your phone?

So, you should remember a completely short and simple instruction:

  • We go to your page in " Instagram."And click on" Help with the entrance»

Click on "Help with the entrance"

  • In the next step, we need to choose a restore method - through the phone. We enter your phone number and click on " Send a link to the entrance" After that, your phone will come to an SMS with further instructions (in particular, the link to the entrance to " Instagram.»).
How to restore password in

We enter your phone number and click on "send a link to the entrance"

Video: "Instagram": How to restore password from the phone?

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