Telephone mobile numbers of emergency services. How to call "ambulance", police, fire, Ministry of Emergency Situations, emergency gas service from MTS mobile phone, Beeline, megaphone, tele2?

Published by B. Beeline / Megaphone / MTS / Tele 2
12 Jul 2016.

The article describes how to cause the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance, police and gas service with MegaFon, Bilain, MTS and Tele2.

People, as a rule, from childhood are familiar with the numbers for which it was possible to contact such emergency services quickly and free, ambulance, police, gas service. Nowadays, telephone communications has developed so rapidly that many people began to prefer mobile phones with stationary phones.

But not always the emergency rooms for cell phones will be exactly the same as for home phones. And not all subscribers are familiar with the guests. In this article, we will tell you how to get through to one or another emergency service with MegaFon, MTS, Bilain and Tele2.

Standard Rooms for Stationary Phones

To begin with, we recall that the standard numbers for calls from home - " 01», « 02», « 03», « 04"- Recently began to be introduced in a three-digit form:

  • Fire service and MES - " 101»
  • Police - " 102»
  • Ambulance - " 103»
  • Emergency Gas Service - " 104»

Unified Duty Dispatch Service - EDS

To date, one common rescue service is available, which can be reached from any cell phone. At this number, subscribers of any cellular operators can contact the Salvation Service with urgent questions relating to the Calling of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance and other services. The room is available for both residents of Russia and residents of the European Union.

Salvation service number - " 112»

By typing this number, the owners of mobile phones will contact the nearest Branch of the EDS of this or that city. That is, Moscow branch will operate for Moscow, for Omsk - Omskoye and so on. The UDD service worker will answer the challenge and send a request to the appropriate instances.

Call to Nome " 112»Free, you can even get through to it if there are no money on the personal account, the SIM card is locked or missing on a mobile phone.


How to call an ambulance from a cell phone?

Often such unpleasant situations happen when it is urgent to call an ambulance for relatives or loved ones, but it is not known to do it from a mobile phone. Each mobile operator can be presented both different and identical numbers to call emergency services. But there are free challenges.

Ambulance rooms for mobile phones:

  • For MegaFon - " 030»
  • For Bilayna - " 003»
  • For MTS - " 030»
  • For "Tele2" - " 030»

It can be noted that these numbers differ from the standard " 03"Only the fact that the standard number is added at the beginning or at the end of the figure" 0"Therefore, they will not be difficult to remember.

How to call the police from a cell phone?

In a difficult situation where the help of police officers is required, you can call if there is a cell phone in the ferry or a special short number. All calls are free.

Police numbers for mobile phones:

  • For MegaFon - " 020»
  • For Bilayna - " 002»
  • For MTS - " 020»
  • For "Tele2" - " 020»

In this case, remember the rooms are also easy, they are based on the usual " 02»

How to call to the Ministry of Emergency Situations or Fire from a Cell Phone?

Match numbers or fire services for mobile phones:

  • For MegaFon - " 010»
  • For Bilayna - " 001»
  • For MTS - " 010»
  • For "Tele2" - " 010»

How to call an emergency gas service from a cell phone?

Emergency Gas Service for Mobile Phones:

  • For MegaFon - " 040»
  • For Bilayna - " 004»
  • For MTS - " 040»
  • For "Tele2" - " 040»

Video: Call "Skaling Help" from a mobile one for all telecom operators number

Video: How to call the police from mobile?

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  • my name is Anna

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