How to win a dispute on Aliexpress without returning goods?

Published by B. Aliexpress
10 Nov 2016.

You did not come the goods with Aliexpress Or did he be defective? I had to open a dispute? Let's talk about how to win it and not send the goods back.

Products from China are very popular among Runet's shoppers and their quantity is only growing. Many of our fellow citizens have fully managed to evaluate all the advantages of shopping on Aliexpress.

First of all, these are low prices, the chance of buying branded goods for small money, as well as simplicity of payments and opening disputes, if the goods turned out to be defective or did not come at all.

Let's talk, how to open a dispute, as well as what to beware when he is conducted.

What gives the opening of the dispute to Aliexpress?


Dispute on aliexpress

In a simple store, replace the goods within two weeks after the acquisition. This is possible when the thing was inappropriate, for example, in size or quality. On the Aliexpressyou can also return your funds if you did not have the received item, but this is possible not earlier than 10 days after sending goods by mail or until the buyer's protection was completed.

When can I open an argument to Aliexpress?

There are a number of reasons when it is worth opening a dispute on Aliexpress:

  • The goods did not come to you. Often, sellers prolong the protection of the transaction for a while. As a rule, you should come alert after the location of the goods is checked. The seller must indicate where the parcel is, as well as when it should be approximately from you. If, after this, the goods will not reach you, and 60 days from making funds expired, the system administration fully returns the paid amount.
  • The parcel came, but the goods do not work. As a rule, in such a situation the seller asks to send a video to make sure that the lack really is. If the defect is clear - marriage, chips and scratches, breakdown, then enough photos. Many experienced customers generally recommend the entire process of opening the package to shoot on video. So you will have evidence that the breakdown occurred not by your fault.
  • The goods are not suitable in size, shade or style. Even in electronics, inconsistency can happen with technical parameters, as well as the absence of accessories sometimes frustures. In this case, you can ask to compensate for this deficiency or completely or partially return the amount.
  • To properly perform the procedure for opening a dispute, you must perform several conditions and prove that you are competent in this matter, since there are also enough machinators among buyers, and you should not be taken for one of them.

The opening procedure for Aliexpress

For a quick and efficient conflict solution, you need to follow a small instruction. First of all, always control the statuses of all your orders. As a rule, ahead of charge is an alert for a few days before the end of the buyer's protection. After the protection time is expired, the appeal will not be accepted. This is repeatedly warned by the administration.

  • If the protection of the transaction comes to an end, and there is still no product, it is recommended to start a dispute procedure.
  • You can do this on the page in the profile in the section "All orders."

All orders

  • If you click "More" Near the desired product, then detailed information appears in a separate window.
  • Near each lot there is a key "Opening of the dispute"
  • Click on it, and the questionnaire will open to start the dispute procedure.
  • To administration Aliexpressit was easier to disassemble your situation, you will be asked to fill out a small profile.

Form of filling dispute

When opening a dispute, you must specify the following data:

  • Whether you got the goods
  • Your dispute solution option:
  1. Return of the full cost
  2. Compensation of part of the amount
  3. Failure of goods back with compensation for its full cost
  • Also attach photos and videos that will prove that you are really right.
  • It is worth saying that you can demand no more than one value of the goods, that is, no one will become moral compensation to pay you. A detailed description of the causes of the dispute must be made in English. No one asks for you a perfect spoken language, so quite a simple online translator.

Detailed description of the dispute

  • After the form is filled, select "Send" And wait for the solution to the situation.

What happens after opening a dispute?

  • The decision of the conflict situation between the seller and the buyer is given no more than 10 calendar days. At this time, the seller must either agree with you or offer its conditions. It is worth saying if you indicated an invalid address in the account or wrong, then the claim about the fact that you did not receive the goods will not be considered. In this situation, the parcel will be considered received and the seller is not in response.
  • "Hang" and get free goods will not work either, as the seller can check where your parcel is located on any of the stages. With intentional concealment of data and attempt to return funds for the already received order, you risk paying the penalty and be blocked.
  • View details of the dispute and all the necessary data can be in the section "Returns and Disputes" in the profile on Aliexpress.
  • After on your question, a positive decision is made or the seller will approve the dispute itself, then all the means will compete in full after 3-10 days.

As you can see, win the dispute is not difficult if you are really right.

Video: How to quickly win the dispute on Aliexpress?

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  • Is it possible to win the dispute if shoes come and turned out to be big, although the size corresponds to the ordered? I already ordered a lot of shoes of this size on Ali (on the floor size more than my valid, because they usually have little shoes) and it has always been fine. And this is the first time they are not small and turned out to be large, and the shoes are expensive (skin). I thought could send back, but sending dear and I should pay it. I preserved a centimeter almost a centimeter more if you measure the top, and inside the thick foam insole is glued and if you measure the ribbon inside, it turns out everything correctly. In general, photographed the shoes on the side, the ruler attached, it turned out on a centimeter and opened a dispute. The seller said to send a photo labeling photo inside. But the marking is normal, which I ordered. It is difficult to sell them for this price, they are extraordinary on a wide platform with round noses, not all are wearing. Maybe you can sell, but cheaper by 1 or 1.5 thousand. Should I fight to the end or no sense?

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