How to choose and order Power Bank charger for smartphone in Aliexpress online store? Which Power Bank is better to choose to Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
12 Nov 2016.

In this article, we will consider how to choose PowerBank, as well as what the most popular models are presented for alicpress.

Many people who are just going to purchase Power Bank., Specify the same questions - what device to choose? What to pay attention to?

We will try to give you useful tips on choosing Power Bank. And answer the question - to pay attention to when choosing.

Very many different models are represented on Aliexpressand it is quite difficult to choose among them. Therefore, first decide that you really need this device.

So, in order to start choosing suitable products on the site, you first need to register. In detail how to do it is described in the article - "How to register for Aliexpress?"or you can explore the instructions of the official website on the link hereand register yourself.

So, now let's talk about the selection criteria PowerBank..

Compatibility with devices



Be sure to see that the input voltage for charging coincides with the weekend PowerBank.. It can be viewed on the charger or in the instructions for the device you plan to charge.

For many modern models, 5V DC is sufficient. The output voltage usually has no such rigid requirements. Thus, if ae connect a device that requires current less than issues PowerBank., nothing terrible will not happen. But during the inverse situation, charging either won't go, or it will be very slow.




When choosing a manufacturer, it is worth preferred by known brands. Many people are mistaken in the same thing - buy chargers from unknown firms that do not even put logos and then it turns out that their real capacity is significantly lower than the stated.


This is a mandatory parameter, since it depends on it how much charge will be able to get your device. So think how many charging cycles should provide Delibank? And multiply this size by 1.5. And you should not believe the tables where the PowerBank container is simply divided into battery capacity.

No one PowerBank.with a capacity of 10,000 mAh, it will not be able to provide a battery of 3,100 mAh charge three times. Maximum two and a half times.


Yes, U. PowerBank.there may still be different functionality. There are several useful, but not the most important functions:

  • Additional USB port
  • LED flashlight, which will be useful for connecting it to a smartphone in the dark
  • Digital charging number indicator, as it is much easier to determine how much PowerBank is still enough

Weight and size

These parameters are determined in proportion to the capacity. The more the container will be, the greater the weight and sizes. Moreover, the dimensions still affect the type of batteries used. For example, a lithium-ion battery in size is greater and heavier than the lithium-polymeric with the same container.

The weight will still affect the material for the hull. As, the plastic case is much easier than aluminum.

Capacity also matters and may affect weight PowerBank.. As a rule, this makes it possible to easily find the chalk of Chinese production with a clearly exaggerated characteristic. For example, a plunder having a capacity of 10,000 mAh will weigh at least 250-260 grams. So if the capacity will not match the weight, then it is not necessary to acquire such a device.

Although, the weight is not yet a final indicator that inside there is a battery with a small capacity, but so at least you can see the inconsistency of the characteristics.




Design new PowerBank.also can play a big role during the choice, since someone is important precisely the design of the device, and not its characteristic. Therefore, manufacturers make data from different colors and shapes.

So now you know the main selection criteria PowerBank.. Now let's talk about the best models presented on Aliexpress.

Power Bank Xiaomi Mi

Power Bank Xiaomi Mi

Power Bank Xiaomi Mi

This device has three portable charging options. The difference lies only in the capacity: 5200 mAh, 10400 mAh and 16000 mAh. The PowerBank.he has protection for closures, overload and overheating, which makes it reliable and durable.

As practice shows, the device is an excellent helper for people who are used to travel often. It is comfortable to wear and just always keep with you. In addition, in the evening along the way from work to home, you can charge your phone.

Xiaomi Mi.differs in small sizes, a pleasant design and durable aluminum case. Some gadgets from it are charged faster than from a simple socket.

Of course there are disadvantages. They are certainly minor. For example, PowerBank.long charges (the whole night), its sharp edges can easily scratch the phone, and it also has a fairly large weight for a portable device - 250 gr.

Link to the product.

Xiaomi 10000mAh Power Bank


This is one of the best external batteries. It is more suitable for the iPhone. Those who have already tried their work of this wonderful device, note that after repeated use, the battery has almost not lost the container. Although, on this occasion, no one was especially worried, because the previous models of devices showed themselves from the excellent side.

Unfortunately, two devices immediately Xiaomi 10000mAh Power Bank Discharge does not allow. Although it has two connectors on the case. One of them is designed to charge the beliefs itself.

But there is a good point - the deliberate data is supported by end-to-end charging, that is, you can immediately charge it and the phone. This makes it possible not to worry that your external battery will sit down and all devices too.

Link to the product.

Xiaomi 16000mAh Power Bank


Xiaomi 16000mAh Power Bank

The advantages of this device are:

  • Real container. 16,000 is really a lot and such a device allows you to charge not one smartphone. This is an indispensable thing in travel.
  • Assembly quality is high.
  • The design is very attractive.
  • The housing has 2 USB outputs 2.1 amps for each. That is, two gadgets can be connected to the device simultaneously.
  • The use of a high-quality controller responsible for the stability of work and providing protection against overload, overheating or closure.
  • The weight of the battery is 350 gr, despite its power.
  • Inside, there is 5 lithium high quality batteries.

Despite all the advantages, without flaws, it also did not cost. In this display and flashlight - it would be nice from their presence. Moreover, USB interfaces have an output of 2.1 amps, although it would be better to add an output to 1 amp.

Link to the product.

Xiaomi 20000mAh Power Bank


Unlike previous models, the device was made quite compact. Despite the presence of a battery of 20,000 mAh, the body increased slightly.

From above, the device has two USB outputs that are designed to recharge various devices. And between them is located a connector for charging the beliefs itself.

One of the sides is the button to turn on and off a small lamp with six LEDs. I want to say that it is very convenient to read it.

The material used for the manufacture is sufficiently durable, so you can not be too afraid that your beliefs scratched.

Aliexpressit has in its catalog each of these models, and the price depends on the seller. After you decide on the choice of device, it must be issued and pay, and how to do it in the article - How to order on Aliexpress?

Link to the product.

Video: The cheapest Power Bank from Aliexpress

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